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Modification to the terminating message for windmill permits

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:33 am
by Sadi
I've noticed that when the windmill permit expires, the ominous message "You realize that your hour is up." prints to your screen. This is a bit confusing, especially if you logged off during the permit period and were away for a length of time. Perhaps it could be modified to reference the windmill, like "You realize that your allotted hour at the windmill is up."

Re: Modification to the terminating message for windmill per

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:33 am
by Jirato
I think that was a GMs attempt at humor. :-D

The permit system is on our to-do list for an overhaul. Right now, we can't say where exactly your hour is up, because there are multiple permit areas and there's nothing that easily identifies which permit area you had in a format that is understandable to players. (It would just be something like "You realize your allotted hour at sg_tanner_workroom." is up, which wouldn't be good.)