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Cryomancer Thoughts and Ideas

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:05 am
by Lavi
Hello everyone,
So I was up early and was thinking of the Rooks, since I’ve been playing mine more often, and was trying to think up of more ideas for abilities for Cryomancy users. I thought if a player who wanted to play a more dedicated cryomancer were to look at the abilities currently, they would only find 3 in the area—not including the Cryosorcerous Disk. So I thought that it would be interesting to try and come up with something.
First, I thought that doing this would mean that a person would have to take an ability that would prevent them from having access to Sorcery focused abilities such as minor animation, Possession, Command Nethrim, etc. By doing so they’d gain additional ranks in Cryomancy. In a way it would make a sort of branching in the Rook skill tree. It would still allow Rooks to take things like minor haunting, Nether vision, and infused Nether. A Player would have to choose from that point on which high level abilities they’d want to focus on. It could be called, Cryomancy dedication or something like that.
The next thing I was thinking about was an ability that would allowCryomancers to withstand the cold better. I am not really sure on how Cryomancy lore works, but that would be cool.
Another idea would be to have an ability focusing a cryomancers will into their existing aura allowing them to do cold damage to everything in an area, and after a time, maybe the caster themselves. Maybe would have to have the Cold resistance ability, and it would have a huge energy drain like Radiance. Another penalty is that the damage would ignore groups. So it wouldn’t matter who was there they would still be effected.
An ability that would allow you to drain large amounts of energy from a target. It would be a more focused form of Metabolic Inglasiation since the original skill, although able to knock someone unconscious, wouldn’t have a use if a person didn’t take minor animation and things. It would have a high Cryomancy requirement and you’d have to channel three channels. My character is a brawler, so I was thinking you’d have to have your hands free to perform this.

That’s all I got for now, but it would be great to see other ideas from players to make Cryomancy a more interesting choice. Hope this could be a thing, but maybe not. Either way, it was fun to write up.