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Door Restrictions

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:06 pm
by Kiyaani
Since the tunnel is 'lost', why are there still access restrictions on the door? Is it possible to have these removed, or at least adjusted during events?

There was an event earlier today, several of us non-church people were invited by those involved and only one was permitted to enter. The rest of us waited for quite a while outside, tried using thoughts, tried emoting or speaking to the doorman, even tried going to the other entrance (which was also blocked), before giving up and finding other things to do. This restriction seemed very OOC given the circumstances, especially considering we were allowed in last night. And while I can understand IC reasons for certain people not being allowed in the group, OOCly, I don't think that door should still be blocked.

I want to thank those from the event who tried to include us, even though it didn't work out.

Re: Door Restrictions

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:23 pm
by Rias
The access tunnel hasn't had any issues (that I'm aware of), just the temple itself. I don't think it's OOC that they didn't laxen up on security during a time of crisis where it's possible the badguys could use the tunnel to their advantage. The only people the door guards aren't allowing through are those who have for whatever reason ended up with a lower-than-normal faction standing with the Church of Light. I think it's quite believable ICly that those individuals aren't allowed through, but you're free to disagree.

FYI, both entrances were originally blocked. Maybe you can ask how the first one was opened, and then open up the other way so you can make use of the alternate route!

Re: Door Restrictions

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:16 pm
by Kiyaani
Thank you for your explanation, Rias. I guess we'll just have a difference of opinion on the situation. Now that you've explained the tunnel was never lost it helps me understand a bit about what happened. If the tunnel is indeed fine, then yes, I can see why access would still be restricted in the future. That wasn't the impression I was under considering the tunnel and temple are linked.

I don't think I'll be doing anything about the alternate route, but it's a nice suggestion and maybe someone else will take you up on it. People seemed iffy when I suggested taking that way last night and then after I'd already gone through unnoticed, the doorman started allowing everyone else access in the tunnel.

Re: Door Restrictions

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:00 am
by Rias
For clarification, if there's someone outside not allowed through the door, it won't open for anyone present. If you want to get through and can't, you might kindly ask that anyone who might have a shady reputation with the Church leave the area so you can pass.

The tunnel and temple are linked, yes. The tunnel door guards were indeed not attacked. Feel free to theorize and speculate on why this might be.