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Oh look it's created by crystal!

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:40 pm
by crystal2014
I believe that furniture pieces and jewelry pieces should have the ability to be marked by the craftsmen. I think that this crafting mark should only show up when a piece is examined. I understand in real life a mark a small as a signature wouldn’t be seen on a furniture piece if you just looked at it, but if you examine something you look at the details of an idem so in this respect, I believe a crafting mark on these pieces is justifiable. Perhaps later on, a jewelry maker or a carpenter can build reputation skill with the pawn shop keepers which would make their items more valuable. Perhaps a system could be put into place where a person could like show their idem to the jewelry store clerk and she would respond, saying something like, “this piece really shows your skill as a jeweler, and I will be sure to spread your notoriety throughout the land.” This message would give the creator reputation skill points which would make their pieces more valuable at sellable areas such as pawn shops and with other players. Perhaps the various shop keepers that could grant reputation skills should randomly offer to buy a piece after the reputation skill message is given. I think this will add another level of something neat for the non combat players to enjoy. Another idea that has been traveling around in my head is that Artisans have abilities in farming that in my opinion don’t offer much of a benefit. I think it would be pretty neat that after you get master farmer you should be able to till an 80 plot field if you so desire. I know it is sort of difficult to code a master farmer’s crops will grow faster than other players crops but that would be neat also. I am wondering if every now and then perhaps a person, who has a farming ability, could get some unexpected crop growing in their field as an added farming bonus. For example, a farmer plants potatoes and perhaps half is potatoes and the other half is sweet potatoes. Another would be squash surprisingly sprouting up as cucumbers. I know there has been a request that if anyone have any new ideas for artisans to make them known and I am trying to think up new things that would make the char of an artisan more fulfilling.

Re: Oh look it's created by crystal!

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:22 am
by merin
Maybe master farmer would allow us to harvest and repot garlic/the other spendy spendy stuff, if it's even possible?

Re: Oh look it's created by crystal!

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 3:58 pm
by Karasi
Is it possible this could be revisited, considered or reconsidered?
It seems that jewelers, with the intricacies of their craft, would appreciate some sort of tiny engraved mark on the inside of the pieces they make.
For carpentry, it could be carved in, or maybe smiths could make plaques they could engrave with names that then could be affixed to furniture.
Just some thoughts.

In favor of the craftmark

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2019 6:19 pm
by Math321
What place does the craftmark have? Speaking from experience while playing Quintin, the craftmark can be an important part of a crafter's work. Seeing a masterfully-made item with your craftmark on it is a feeling like no other, but even lesser-quality items can engender a sense of pride if it's exceptional by one's own standards. That pride would still be there even without the craftmark, but its presence adds a feeling of authorship.

"This isn't just any masterfully-made sword. Anyone looking closely at it can see it's of MY make. I've become quite accomplished!"

"Who made your axe? It's really nice." - "Lemme check... Seems Kent made it. Y'know, Gunney?" - "Ahhh, I see. Maybe I'll commission an axe from him too."

"I'm looking for a smith who can make me a sword, can anyone point me in the right direction?" - "Yeah. Jessiah's pretty skilled. So is Stranger, though he doesn't work with iron or steel or the like. I can attest to the quality of their work - I've used daggers made by both of them in the past."

If you look at the 3 scenarios presented above, they work just as well if you swap weapons with jewelry - and the craftmark helps those scenarios happen more frequently. Jewelry-makers could definitely use that, since their craft's RP-usefulness is largely defined by other players buying their works. It would make sense for someone to figure out who made a piece by examining it for a small or hidden craftmark on it.