Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

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Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by clayton »

I only mentioned Mistral and Shadgard because there are several forging rooms already in Haiban, and I don't know if there's any areas in Corvis at all where forging takes place.

I'm making the suggestion for a few extra rooms to be added in Mistral and Shadgard, where forging can take place (this includes vicing, gemstone polishing, and jewelry crafting), because now that permits have been instituted, everyone has one hour from the time they walk in, until their permits expire.
Something can happen in character or out of character, that could end up causing two people to be in the same location, each with a time limit on their permit, but only one person being able to use a particular facility. sure they could take turns, if both had to forge, smelt, or any of the other things that take place, but each person would only be able to utilize up to half of their time limit. The people involved wouldn't get their money's worth.

Or let's say something out of character happens, and the player who has a permit and actively using it, had to log out... so they pack up all their stuff and exit the room. Their time limit doesn't freeze at this point, but it does freeze when they log out. So they do their OOC thing and come back on the game, walk back into the workroom with all their stuff, only to find it's now occupied. They're going to lose the use of their permit, due to curcumstances they have no control over. The person currently using the workroom has every right to be there, but so does the person who had something come up out of character. A large portion of this dilemma can be eliminated by the installation of additional rooms and equipment.
Just like Haiban has at least three forging rooms and three leather working rooms, I'm suggesting that the other major towns start offering the same benefits.
I forgot to mention also, it would be nice also to have additional rooms in the sawmills, for this exact same reason. everything that requires a permit, can offer three possible rooms to perform that activity in.

If extented permits were offered, that would also help, but again, that person, even with an extended permit, wouldn't get full use of that permit, because of having to wait their turn to use the facility.

I hope I explained this clearly and that at least the majority of the readers agree. More importantly, I hope the GMs like the suggestion as well.
Happy reading.

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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by merin »

I can see the usefulness of this, however, part of my philosophy is it's 50 riln. If you're in need of that riln so badly, then, maybe you should peer into the rooms?

THis would be a problem for shadgard though because though you can peer into the workyard, that does no good if you're wanting to use the forge and someone's using it.

How about a way to inquire about active permits? For instance:

You inquire to the Mining Foreman availability of the Lleantu.
The mining foreman says, "Jake and john have turned in their permits within the last bell."

Also, I don't see shadgard as having three anvils...two, maybe.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by jilliana »

There is the room issue. Those two towns aren't meant, at least in my impression and from what I heard discussed by GMs, to be large sprawling towns with a ton of amenities.
Peering into them or something like Merin's suggestion of inquiring from the NPC selling the permits if anyone has entered the area within the last hour are good ideas for sure.

I'd like to point out as well that to those people who can, Valeria does have all that stuff available.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by clayton »

Peering into a room before going to buy a permit is indeed a great idea.
What about the times I mention where you buy a permit, you're using the forge for a while, but something comes up IRL, and you have to bail.
You get all your stuff out, log out, and when it's a good time to re-enter the lost lands, you do so, and when you go into the room to continue where you left off, it's now occupied, so you either have to wait your turn andhope that person finishes up before your time expires, or you just have to lose that riln due to events that were beyond your control.

It would be great if, whenever you leave the room you've bought a permit for, your time stopped until you re-entered the room. I don't even know if that type of thing can be coded in, since you get your permit taken from you when you leave the room. You'd have to be given some sort of parchment when you leave, so you can present that again when you are ready to continue. The parchment would have your new time amount on it, and your clock would start again from the time you have remaining.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by Elystole »

This is a lot of effort over 50 riln. I know I wasn't happy when permits were released (mostly because the NPCs telling you that you needed a permit were insufferably rude and it was done without any warning), but it really isn't that big of a deal. I don't think 50 riln is going to break any of us - not even a newbie once that newbie learns how to be the least bit profitable. It sucks that RL interfered, but it isn't something to agonize over. Nor does it happen often enough to warrant the GM's coding a convoluted solution to it.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by merin »

It probably took you longer to type this post and submit it than it would to make 50 riln. Leave it, I say. You leave, it's free. too bad.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by Rias »

Shadgard at least is a relatively small town, with little available real estate (it's crammed into a canyon), so I don't see their public workyard being expanded. It's less a workyard built for the public and more the local blacksmith saying, "Sure, I wouldn't mind making a little extra money by letting the public use the second workyard I've got."

Mistral has similar real estate issues (they're all crammed onto their lake platform and the mountainside).

Haiban I could see with more extensive public facilities - that should probably be the go-to place for crafters anyway, considering it's the home of the Coalition Artisans and a hub of trade and crafting.

I like the idea of inquiring about who's already in there.

As far as having to log out for IRL reasons, I don't feel the need to put in anything special. It's the same for everything else - if you have to log out for IRL reasons during a battle, or an event, or a merchant, or a gathering of PCs, things aren't going to be put on hold for you. That's just one of the things we all deal with on a MUD, and you just have to accept the unfortunate loss.
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Re: Additional forging rooms in Mistral and Shadgard

Post by xavier »

Right, so when can we expect a pay as you go plan (15, 30, 45 discount at the door) and information concerning useage of workrooms?

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