Universal Targeting

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Universal Targeting

Post by jilliana »

A few of us on chat were talking about possibly having universal targeting for a variety of items. Examples would be things that we usually have a large quantity of...herbs, boxes, fish. So instead of looking for specific names among a large paragraph of creatively described things, we can just type something like, "transfer fish from barrel to skillet" or "transfer 10 fish from barrel to skillet".
CHAT - Sir Alexander Candelori: Truly a man is an abomination that does not dip his french fries into his chocolate frosty.
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Re: Universal Targeting

Post by TwistedAkai »

I like this from a mechanical standpoint. Though from an RP standpoint I could see where most of it's uses might fall under fire, especially ICly (things like storing your clothes with your fish, or not caring what fish you throw on the skillet, keeping medicinal herbs alongside your foods)

Though, thinking about it, I would certainly love an 'anything' target, which would just grab the first valid target, or a randomly selected target. "Get anything from barrel" Or "Get anything from bag". I could totally see one of my characters panicking when attacked and just grabbing at random from her bag. As an added bonus, this would work beautifully for the OPs purpose, as long as people sort their barrels/bags.

This could work on characters too, if you really need a random target for your RP. A novice elemancer channeling air might decide to RP missing on an aid and blast a random character instead. A berserker might decide to 'kill anyone' upon finishing a target as he swings his giant sword around in rage.
You also notice the corpse of a canim scavenger (x169).
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Re: Universal Targeting

Post by Vitello »

I like,

Bonus points if it can

transfer x from wagon to here
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