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My Ideas for Updates

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:26 pm
by criticalfault
I'll keep this list broken into general ideas and then ideas for specific guilds.

General Ideas -

Dragging a corpse should have reduced RT with multiple people are grouped and dragging.

Ore that reacts to channels, making special crits open to the users. Very fun for Sorcery, Druidry and Elemancies! Could perhaps even open minor affects for non spell casters

Description Changes for when someone is channeling powers. I love how channels echo to energy wraping around someones hands, but why not special displays for mulitiple channels.

Hands bathed in light - 1 light channel
Body wraped in warm light - 2 light
Burning Halo of Divine Power! - 3 light

Also changing the persons eyes to "Burning with "Color" Light when someone looks at them. Cosmetic, but very cool regardless.

Lowering RT on transfer or capping it at 10 seconds. 20 and 30 second RTs are frustrating and makes players more likely to just spam, causing screen readers to suffer for it.

New Achievements -

Bush man - X amount Successful hunt kills via a trap
Master Hunter - X amount of successful hunts

Cooking group (Since its been ultra popular these days)
Pan Handler - Small amount of cooking
Cusine Crafter - Medium
Al la Cusine! - High (I loved Iron Chef)
Kicked it up a notch - Very high (Would be a fun title)

Casting Group
Spell Slinger
Magical Marvel
Mad with Power

Now for Guild Stuff, i've going to focus on guilds that i think haven't gotten a lot of love or are just getting started.

Dwaedn Wyr -

Rescue - A guild ability that allows them to carry bodies on their shoulders, allowing them to climb with dead folks because of there high strength.


Mummers -

Performance An ability that plays an instrument much like storytelling, but checks against performance skill

PPerformance - Performing for players. This would engage the players and set a status on the Mummer (Performing here). Once completed, the Mummer would then do whatever it is that they are going to do and the players will be prompted to rate the performance. This would give guild points, but riln would be up to the player's. This would allow Mummers more freedom in how they perform and specifically interested in engaging players with their arts to get guild points.

Storytelling could give an energy refresh to players in the room listening, allowing mummers to keep people company and help them while they train profession skills that require energy such as farming or mining. This should perhaps have a hefty cool down to avoid

Encourage A song that requires a constant drain on energy but gives the Mummer's group members a +5% to attack skills

Enrage A song that requires a constant drain on energy but gives the Mummer's group members a +15% to attack skills and -15% to defense skills

Legend Lore A comm channel opens between the Mummer and the GM's, allowing them to ask Lore specific questions as needed. If no one is available to answer, then the Mummer doesn't get to know!

ESP Focus Allows a VERY skilled Mummer access to a colored channel of their choosing, requires Telepathy and a metric crapload of Channeling.

Mummer Wagons - It would be nice if within the camp Mummer's could have sleeping quarters in a very small wagon on the grounds. It would be EXCELLENT for RP if they could allow others in with them if they are following so they could tell fortunes, prescribe gypsy folk magic, etc (Though maybe that just good for Cigano!) Still, a place to store instruments and things would be nice.

SnowPine Lodge

I love these guys and I think they could do a lot of amazing things if they are given just the right utility powers. When your playing them I feel (And it could just be me!) that you should feel uncomfortable in the city and more safe and at home in the wilderness.

Improved Butchering - Allow them to be able to extract special things from some corpses. Now you could make this skill EPIC if you allow them to degland fire breathing monsters and the likes to craft foods from Drakoens (However you spell them) and other more powerful monsters, even make players interested in dragging the corpse to a Snow piner. These parts could become a valuable commodity for spell casters or other guilds. As a standard allow them to butcher more from a standard corpse as well.

Hearts for temp bonuses for Dwaeden
Livers for eating and perhaps making anti-toxins
Special organs from monsters of all kinds!

Improved trapping - Where everyone else can use traps to harass and impair their enemies, a Snowpiner can setup traps that are lethal. Snares, Pit falls, Ewok-eque spikes on logs that swing together. If it can stop an AT-ST it can stop a Vaili on a desterier >:)

Bait/Repellant - The Snowpiner can craft special baits to increase the spawn rate for an area. Dangerous skill for sure! The opposite is true that would allow them to smear themselves in some kind of stink that will make specific creatures run from them, allowing them to walk unharnessed in some areas. (Also a shout to Batman's Shark Repellant!)

Wildcraft - Snowpine lodge members are never without bandages if they are in a forested area. At a MUCH higher first aid check, they can bandage someone's bleeder or light woods with leaves and muds. (This would be EPIC to see a bush man smear mud into a wound and say, "Oh, he'll be fine, i put mud on it"). This should also allow them to find bugs/worms/etc to eat even if the room is barren of food. No bushman should ever die of hunger in the wilds

Hunting Dog - Snowpiner's should be able to get a faithful companion, a customizable dog that follows them on their trips. It will alert their master when someone is sneaking around them, help them with forage and even protect them. The best service they will offer is the ability to bring small items to anyone who is in the wilderness and drop it at their feet. Great for running rations/bandage/other vital thing to survive to someone who is lost in the wilderness.

Rugged Body - Snowpiner's are naturally resistant to cold from their time in the harsh winters. Would be cool if they were immune to various environmental affects.

Baneful Harvest - Allow them to forage baneful herbs for crafting special and natural poisons as well as antidotes from poisons of Claw's or the likes.

Take Trophy - I don't think the Barbarians should be the only one who should be able to take heads. Better yet, this would be x10 more epic if they could taxidermy corpses for display in peoples homes.

Trophy Hunt - Allow them to hunt for bigger game animals for animals that drop more pelts, butcher better, etc

Basic training Give these poor folks a break and give them some Stealth, Trapping, Fire Starting, Herbalism, Cooking and First aid.

Guild Shop -
1 - Bedrolls that allow you faster energy regen when you sleep next to a fire
2 - Tents that are setupable and enterable for private rooms
3 - Camo kits to give them a flat bonus to stealth to help them with a leg up starting out
4 - MASSIVE pots and pans for cooking for a whole group of people
5 - Special Solutions and things required for Taxidermy.


Templar And Monk

New Task

Haunted House -
Each of the Hamlets could have a new house created away from the village. The home would be created with a basement, ground and attic but if the builder is feeling froggy to make them even bigger. The task spawns in either a haunted object or a corpse some place in the home that is causing the haunting. The Monk or Templar is required to go into the home and either get the corpse out to be buried or retrieve the object to be ritually destroyed by the Church. While the object in active in the house it will spawn creatures from it. A corpse will generate a "Dangerous" netherium that will guard its body and will only be dispersed temporarily until the body is out of the house. Would be fun if they had to be buried on holy grounds...then add a cemetery room for churchs in the major cities.


These folks need some more spymaster powers. As it is they are spread so thin between so many my opinion they need a better focus.

Safe Houses - Need to provide more supplies for Utasa. Consider some spycraft stuff.

New Task - Dispose of Infested Spy -
Loads an infested into a local inn, market or the likes and requires the Utasa to remove it from the city. Would be awesome if they could black bag them as they wander the city or just poison them and get rid of the body quietly.

New Task - Plant Evidence -
Loads an NPC the Utasa has to secretly meet and then take said object they give to sneak into a home and plant. Extra points if they have to drag in dummy corpses or the likes and plant weapons! >:)


More to come at a later date!

Thanks for reading guys,

Zigist/ Cigano / Jhordon

Re: My Ideas for Updates

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:13 am
by criticalfault
my bad, had i read the forum's guild folder thing i would have seen i should have broken this post up into parts. I've done that now. My apologies! I am very bad with the BBS thing.
