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Alchemy Brainstorming

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 5:31 am
by Skah
My understanding is that the Devs are planning on developing an alchemy system that is realistic, diverse, and does not include healing potions. With that in mind, I thought it might be a fun exercise for players to submit ideas for poultices, salves, and potions that might fit those criteria. I'm sure most of the ideas won't fit with the developer's plans and priorities, but a little brainstorming never hurt anyone!

I'll get the ball rolling:

Potion of Paranoia
- Drinking this makes a PC very wary of their surroundings, giving a boost to their perception checks at the cost of some set of debuffs (e.g. decreased energy regain, jittery feelings, etc.)

Sleeping Draught
- A player drinking this falls into a deep sleep (unconcious), leaving them vulnerable but providing significantly increased energy gain.

Burn Ointment
- Applying this ointment to a limb provides a slight resistance to fire attacks, for a set period.

Clotting Agent
- Splashing some of this on an open wound causes the blood to clot. Although this does not heal the wound, it acts as a (very short lived) bandage that can be quickly applied in the heat of battle.

Potion of Adrenaline
- Drinking this potion makes a player less likely to be knocked out or fall asleep (from metabolic englaciation and the like), but leaves them jittery.

Re: Alchemy Brainstorming

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 7:13 am
by Isiaa
Fire potion

A volatile, highly reactive mixture which bursts into fire when exposed. Boring isn't it?


A potion which, consumed in cold weather, will keep you nice and warm. Will alleviate cold and cure chills and frostbite. In warm weather, the character begins to take heat damage, eventually combusting when they die.

Re: Alchemy Brainstorming

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:17 pm
by Drayla
Psh, I don't need no potions. What I want is poisons, poisons that can be applied to darts or arrows. A dratgun would be better for this, as I see it showing no messaging to the target unless their perception is high enough. An arrow would work as well, but it would be for someone who wants to be less sneaky and would work best for instant effect poisons.

Now, on to the actual poisons:

Poison of Paralysis
Causes the target to fall down and be stunned for a certain amount of time. There could be both an instant effect type and a more drawn-out effect. The instant one would cause them to immediately become paralysed, but will only last at most 10 seconds, or just enough for the attacker to get in a dround or two of attacks, or bind the target if they are not out to kill. The longer-lasting poison would make them feel odd and tense for a short time before they are stunned, giving them time to get an antidote or find help, or even run away and hide, but this one would last longer, giving the attacker ample amount of time to finish their mission.

Poison of Weakness
This would be an instant-effecy poison that causes the target to lose their strength, thus lowering their offensive rolls. This can really balance out a fight between a weaker and stronger opponent.

Poison of Burning
This would be a lot like the effects of being bitten by a spider currently. It would cause your veins to burn and energy to drain over time. Different mixures could create combinations that last longer but do not eat as much energy per second, or that take away large amounts of energy per second but do not last nearly as long.

Poison of Corrosion
This poison would react with the target's skin and eat away at it, causing additional damage persecond for a very small amount of time.

Poison of Death
This would be the rarest and most potent poison of all. Being poisoned with this is guaranteed death unless properly treated in time. This poison would be hard to detect unless you knew you had been poisoned. It could give symptoms of food poisoning, but if an antidote is not received in X amount of time, then it will not act quickly enough to stop it, and you will die. The final minute of the poison could cause the person to become confused and out-of-control, thus causing them to wander about in a small area before succumbing.

That's just some poison ideas. And of course nearly every poison could have an antidote (though some will be untreatable), so that gives a few counter-poison ideas as well. Of course, many more poisons are imaginable. This is just a little kick-start.

Re: Alchemy Brainstorming

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 7:21 am
by Isiaa
Antidotes to all of the above.

Potion of Light

Applied to leather causes it glow. Slowly degrades the leather to degrade over-time

Potion of Inner Frost.

Like potion of fire, but to keep one cool in hot weather causing chills, freezing and frostbite in cold weather.

Nutritious water

Staves of hunger. Simply freezes the levels for a while, does not increase them. Not eating for a long period, say five hours logged in, will cause the hunger levels to increase.

Acids and bases.
Homegrown fungi, alcohol.

I could go on.