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He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:29 pm
by Lun
I always notice there are tons of injured filing in and out of the infirmary. I think it'd be nice if the mortuary saw more dead coming in and out of it, as well. Not every body has a family to care for it, and the bodies of orphans and beggars and the like might get tossed into the mortuary before being wheeled off to a mass graveyard for burial.

*Mistral lake and Shadgard both have waiting mortuaries where PCs are brought back to when they depart.

From wikipedia: A waiting mortuary is a mortuary building designed specifically for the purpose of confirming that deceased persons are truly deceased. Prior to the advent of modern methods of verifying death, people feared that they would be buried alive. To alleviate such fears, the recently deceased were housed for a time in waiting mortuaries, where attendants would watch for signs of life. The corpses would be allowed to decompose partially prior to burial. Waiting mortuaries were most popular in 19th century Germany, and were often large ornate halls.

Just because they are NPCs doesn't mean they shouldn't get similar treatment to PCs in the sense that yeah, they're not coming back (via normal means like PCs), but they should still be given the honor of their death being verified. And it wouldn't be uncommon for a sorcerer to go to the morgue to go help return a soul to a body, so a PC raising a body from the waiting mortuary wouldn't be too strange, either. A body could be marked to show whether or not it has family members (I.e. flowers next to them, etc.) so a Rook would know if it's safe to raise that body without massive amounts of "Honey, you're alive!" and needing to explain why that persons husband is up and walking around and ignoring everything.

Either that or a toe tag or placard near them stating their relations.

(Is this a request so Rooks have bodies to raise without having to hunt for them? Probably.)

Another suggestion related to the Parlour:
I think it'd be better if the command to leave with the familiar when dead is changed from DEPART to a different one. I think a lot of people have a hard time comprehending that the familiar is there to resurrect them, especially when the command is to DEPART with them. Changing it to something like FOLLOW would be a lot easier to understand. Or adding another line that tells the deceased to (Type DEPART to revive) would be nice. We had a small issue with people not understanding how to depart earlier today, so the familiar would disappear and I'd sit there staring at the sorcerer doing squats (sit, stand, sit, stand, sit, stand.)

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:54 pm
by Avedri
I do not think death is the same for the majority of NPCs. That's what sets apart adventurers or PCs according to ""

Resurrection shouldn't be seen as a super normal occurrence in-game. It is a scary, traumatic experience.

However, I totally agree with the second half of the request.

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:06 am
by Lun
In and out, as in dead NPCs are laid to rest at the Mortuary and then wheeled out to a graveyard for burial.

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 6:17 am
by Drayla
Speaking of graveyards, I wanna know more about those things. Where is Mistral's? And does Shadgard still used the one near the Old Trail? I doubt it, since it has little nethrim creatures running around everywhere. Maybe Mistral's graves are at the bottom of the lake! *cue creepy suspense music*

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 8:54 am
by faylen
Responding to the second half of the request, yes, please! I had absolutely no idea what I was supposed to do when Faylen was brought to a rook to raise her rather than a monk. The familiar beckoned, so I was trying join, follow, etc with no luck. I looked at the familiar, reviewed the message when he appeared, and no where did it give a clue that departing while he was present was the way to make it work. I'd have felt bad departing when soemone had gone to so much trouble getting my body somewhere to be raised, so I didn't want to try a depart. Just a message showing that that is what you should do would be good.

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 3:50 am
by Isiaa
Burial rites?

Shadgaard might burn them. Mistral might sink them into the lake(although that would pollute their water...). Corvus... Well. That hardly needs mentioning.

Re: He didn't quite make it...

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:04 pm
by Rias
Mistral has a mortuary and crypt dug into the mountain that the lake platform extends out from.

Shadgard doesn't use the old graveyard anymore for burials, seeing as bodies buried there are likely to be animated. There's a crypt dug into the canyon past the chapel.

If you're hoping for NPCs to "raise", as in bring back to life rather than sorcerous animation, see what Avedri posted: 99.9% of the world's population stays dead. PCs are the .1% that don't, and can be "raised". So, mortuaries wouldn't be routinely getting a steady flow of corpses that are "raise"-able.

If you're hoping for corpses to spawn in mortuaries so you can animate them, sorry to disappoint you, but that would be considered a serious offense in civilized places (towns).