hiresword I choose you!
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 10:02 am
I wish there was a way to make it so that as long as a merc is on, traders can not hire hireswords. Unless there is say one merc on and 5 traders and the mer currently on is already been hired. The reason for this is that mercs are like a mix of bodyguards and killers for hire. This would give them more of a roll to play rather then just walking around killing things at random. I understand that you can roll play someone hiring you however, most will not hire you because you can just go hire yourself a hiresword. Again, I don't think that hireswords should be takeing out of the game but I think they should be limited when a merc is on. also, it would be nice if there was some sout of a place where you can go to put out a contract. For example, if I wanted help killing something or going somewhere, I can go to the merc guild and put a contract up and then if a merc wants, they can take the contract and take the person where they need to go. This way, they can make some money and have more things to do.