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traning horse

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:04 am
by krishnajariwala
It would be nice if we had the ability to train our horse some skills.
Skills suchs as dodge, combat stands so that the horse does not run away during battles and also stelth so that the Udemi can use there horses more effectively.
How the stelth would work is the only way hide would work is if the horse stood still and it would not work if you had no cover.
Also the skills would have to be baught from the stablemaster and then
the horse would have to use the skills to raise them hirer.
For example, if your horse learns dodge, the more the horse dodges the hits, the more it's skills would go up.
Another skills would be nice is the ability for warhorses to kick.

Re: traning horse

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 1:07 pm
by Isiaa
That would have to be a templar and/or mercenary ability. Horses irl will just run away if they get hurt at all OR kick then move.

And Rias has said that stealthy mounts are not happening. There was a thread were that was argued to death.

Re: traning horse

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 2:24 pm
by Drayla
I doubt horses will ever be trainable. Warhorses, maybe, but normal horses are normal horses. They have to be bred and raised in a specific way if you want it to be able to do certain things, and simply swinging a sword at a normal horse or putting it into combat situations will do nothing but make the horse fear for its life every time you get near it.