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Ask Command

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:57 pm
by Methiur
Problem: I've found the ask command a bit confusing. It has been hard for me to get the syntax or know whom has an available command. I imagine there are instances where this should be kept secret but in the majority of cases I think it would make new players lives easier.

Request: As a new player I would like the 'ask' syntax to be specifically spelled out for NPCs and to provide a list of subjects they are open to performing / speaking about.

Both of these situations ended up having to request the help of others.

1) Attempting to get a box unlocked at the locksmith

2) Attempting to remove a task

ask warr about task
You've already got a task! You can use the task command to view the details.

You've been tasked to drive off highwyamen that have been reported to be harassing travelers along the road through the Kaldrgate Plains area.
You have yet to flush out the highwaymen.
(If you are unable or unwilling to complete this task, you may ask your guild taskmaster to remove you from the task.)

ask warr to remove task
Please use the following syntax: ask [person] about/for [subject]
Exampe: ask guildmaster about initiation

ask warr to remove
Please use the following syntax: ask [person] about/for [subject]
Exampe: ask guildmaster about initiation

ask warr about remo task
The mercenary recruiter Warrington doesn't seem too interested in talking about that.

ask warr
Please use the following syntax: ask [person] about/for [subject]
Exampe: ask guildmaster about initiation

remove task
Remove what? If you are trying to remove food from a skewer, the correct syntax is remove food from skewer.

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:19 am
by Isiaa
ask warr about remove task?

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:01 am
by Drayla
The correct syntax is: ask warr about remove

The question syntax is spelled out whenever you type 'help ask' or simply use it in the wrong way. And the available things to ask them are highlighted in different colors. For example, when you typed 'task' above, it told you that you could ask your guildmaster to remove you from the task. The word 'remove' is highlighted in bright cyan in-game. Other available options to ask are available by LOOKing at the NPC. As for the locksmith, I'll admit that one can be a bit confusing, but once again, if you look at the NPC the word 'unlock' will be highlighted, and it should only take a couple tries to get the proper syntax.

If you have the colors disabled for any reason, don't worry. Whenever they are turned off in-game, a * should appear by any words that would normally be highlighted. It will also appear by any creatures or NPCs that are hostile to you.

I hope this helped. If you can't figure out what the proper syntax for asking for something is, try asking so-and-so about [whatever it is you want done, shortened to a single word]

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:52 am
by Methiur
Drayla wrote:The correct syntax is: ask warr about remove

The question syntax is spelled out whenever you type 'help ask' or simply use it in the wrong way. And the available things to ask them are highlighted in different colors. For example, when you typed 'task' above, it told you that you could ask your guildmaster to remove you from the task. The word 'remove' is highlighted in bright cyan in-game. Other available options to ask are available by LOOKing at the NPC. As for the locksmith, I'll admit that one can be a bit confusing, but once again, if you look at the NPC the word 'unlock' will be highlighted, and it should only take a couple tries to get the proper syntax.

If you have the colors disabled for any reason, don't worry. Whenever they are turned off in-game, a * should appear by any words that would normally be highlighted. It will also appear by any creatures or NPCs that are hostile to you.

I hope this helped. If you can't figure out what the proper syntax for asking for something is, try asking so-and-so about [whatever it is you want done, shortened to a single word]
Wow I had no idea that I could look at the NPC for commands. That will help greatly. Perhaps it should show the available ask options when the command is not used correctly. I think this will still be a benefit for new players.

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:01 pm
by Matilda
I've been playing for two months now, and this is the first time I've heard that you could see ask options looking at an NPC. If it's not included it the tutorial (I certainly will allow that it might be there and I'm just that terribly inattentive) I think it should be added. Actually, the look command is a lot more useful than I thought, and I think it should be more explicitly spelled out.

That's just my two riln's worth anyway.

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:46 am
by Rias
We're looking at updating and expanding the tutorial area a bit. It's pretty old at this point, and we've gotten a lot of suggestions.

The look and examine commands are extremely handy for determining what things do; I suggest liberal use of them both. It looks like you almost got it right on your first try, but you used "to" insteaad of "for/about" as suggested in the syntax example. I'd rather not put every single ask possibility in the generic help text for the ask command, but I'll add a bit about looking at an NPC to see if they provide any specific services.

Re: Ask Command

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:48 am
by Rias
Please use the following syntax: ask [person] about/for [subject]
Exampe: ask guildmaster about initiation
(Hint: You can look at an NPC to see if they provide any specific ask-able services, in most cases.)