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Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2013 11:51 pm
by Kent
So the situation we have, as we improve our skills higher and higher, the price of lessons increases but the benefit gained is whittled off to essentially nil. And so players with high abilities stop taking lessons, and NPC trainers stop earning money from these higher players.

For example, if I have reached 500 in skinning, and I take another lesson in it, I still get only the +1 in skinning that I got back when I had a skinning skill of 10. Then the lesson raised my skinning by 10%, now it raises it only by 0.2% for much more money.

So I propose one of two solutions:

Solution 1: A larger immediate skill gain is endowed per lesson, according to something resembling the following table:

Character's Skill / Immediate Skillgain
  • Up to 250 / +1
    250 to 499.999 / +2
    500 to 799.999 / +3
    800 to 1199.999 / +4
    1200 and up / +5

Solution 2: Cap all lesson prices at a maximum fee of 200 riln per lesson.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 6:56 am
by Kiyaani
There's only so much a person can learn about any particular subject, even from a master. It makes sense that you won't learn as much (percentage) per lesson as you get better at doing things on your own. It also makes sense to keep charging more for this more valuable information.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:03 am
by faylen
As nice as this would be, I actually agree with Kiyaani here. I think the current system makes sense. Plus, it motivates higher skilled players to help each other out when they can since there is no riln cost associated with learning from another player. And while I can't speak for all guilds, in some guilds at least earning riln isn't that difficult. What I've done is pay riln for those skills that are more difficult to train or for ones i don't use very often, but not for those that aren't so hard. After all, if I find I'm blowing through riln because I'm going through a skill practice quickly, I might as well just train it up myself without paying for the studying.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:11 am
by Rithiel
Skills aren't meant to increase linearly (in terms of percentage, which is how rolls work), which includes training.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 1:41 pm
by Kent
Kiyaani wrote:It also makes sense to keep charging more for this more valuable information.
Well, no, the information is not more valuable, it is virtually the same as telling you what you already know.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:36 pm
by Rithiel
Kent wrote:
Kiyaani wrote:It also makes sense to keep charging more for this more valuable information.
Well, no, the information is not more valuable, it is virtually the same as telling you what you already know.
The information is as valuable as somebody is willing to pay for it. But if that isn't convincing, consider that the trainer has a monopoly on high end training - you can't go find some vagabond on the street that could give you that +1 to your skill, so they're exercising their market power. You're welcome to try to find somebody else who can provide the training for you and get them to charge you less.

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 2:38 pm
by Rias
Won't be changing. Sorry!

Re: Lessons become more and more worthless as you skillgain

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:40 pm
by TwistedAkai
Can't players offer training? Maybe a player will charge less. You know, if you can find one.