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Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:20 am
by Kent
Currently, a tanner or bowyer shop has only about 6 colors to choose from, along with some non-color adjectives like 'burnished' or 'dark' or 'light' (which I would have thought were more 'finishing touches' rather than something coming out of a bottle, but I digress.)

Now when I go to the clothing shop in Mistral Lake and browse the selection of garments, say, socks, I am shown no fewer than twenty-seven color options, some in colors so extra-ordinary that perhaps no one has ever ordered one since the start of the CLOK years ago. I can choose socks in

1. none
2. black
3. white
4. carmine
5. cerise
6. claret
7. blush
8. scarlet
9. cerulean
10. cobalt
11. ultramarine
12. teal
13. peridot
14. verdigris
15. viridian
16. amber
17. citrine
18. gold
19. cream
20. honey
21. lilac
22. plum
23. lavender
24. orchid
25. alabaster
26. ivory
27. niveous
28. dark

In real life, when shopping at a hobby shop or a paint store, you can easily find bottles or cans of paint in over twenty colors (over forty?), including the basics like red and blue and green. Usually when buying socks, there are only about 8 or 10 colors available at the IRL clothing shop.

With all this in mind, my request is that the customization options of paints and dyes be expanded to include red, blue, green, and tan plus another twenty colors.

One would assume that when no color is poured on a leather, it is by default 'natural', but I would like also to be able to buy a cheap bottle of 'natural' dye color so that the keyword and adjective would be present.

Additional request: I would like a character to be able to purchase a dye or paint in the color that their espcolor is currently set to. I recall that when buying a crimson mining stake, it was coded to show on the menu that the player's name was on it when they typed 'list', so it would be uber-cool if when listing the customization options, the person's esp color was there amongst the color options.

What do you all think of this idea?

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:25 am
by Kiyaani
Some dye colors were restricted to specific towns when they first came out. It may be that is still intended to promote RP and trade.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:54 pm
by Zoiya
Mistral Lake is a very prosperous town, they can afford to have a very talented tailor (or two). This is not true elsewhere and probably won't change.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:51 am
by Kent
I now see I wasn't clear on my original request post. What I was asking for was more depth of variety in in bottles of dye for sale at the tannery, and for bottles of paint base available for at the bowyer's. I mentioned the socks only by way of contrast in available varieties of colour.

Cheers, Kent.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:29 am
by Kiyaani
I'm pretty sure we both understood you meant tannery dye. The tailor in that shop you mentioned has access to more color varieties due to renown and contacts acquired (as Zoiya said). The tanner works with a more limited color palette. Maybe it's not worth the cost to import more variety of dye colors or they just don't care since leather is supposed to be a more functional material than fru-fru socks. I'm not sure about arrow paint, but limiting leatherworking dye has always been the case.

I seem to recall quite a few instances where players would RP trading colors between towns they may not normally have access to so they could dye their work appropriately.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:05 pm
by Kent
What Kiyaani said does explain why only the tailor can access exotic and rare colors like peridot, ultramarine, verdigris, etc.

However one is still left wondering about the most basic colors for paints and leather dyes, viz. red, blue, yellow, and tan.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:08 am
by Zoiya
When I get some time I'll look into regular dyes in regular shops - but I'm not promising anything because I originally set up these shops so that you would have to travel to other hamlets and towns for different colors. I get that people have a "home base" but there are a ton of shops in other towns and it stands to reason that you would eventually have to travel back and forth to get some items.

Then again, that's only my opinion.

Re: Request: Opening up the world of Dyes and Paints

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2013 1:27 pm
by Kent
Zoiya wrote:When I get some time I'll look into regular dyes in regular shops - but I'm not promising anything because I originally set up these shops so that you would have to travel to other hamlets and towns for different colors.
I admit that is a fair enough restriction, perhaps blue in Mistral Lake, red in Corvus, green in Shadgard, yellow at the Coalition HQ, or vice versa. Perhaps tan or natural everywhere because of it's would have to travel a bit to get what one wants, but at least the basic colours would be within the realm of possibility.