suggestion: energy status changes

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suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Hujiko »

I would be awesome to be able to see messages like

'You are tired now'
'You are winded now'
'You are exhausted now'

instead of:

(-5 energy)
(-5 energy)
(-5 energy)

It would be more RP.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Barius »

I rather like knowing exactly how tiring an action is, but I wouldn't mind some kind of echo message at certain thresholds, either.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Hujiko »

Yes, of course. Both messages are not mutally exclusive.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Drayla »

Honestly, I like it the way it is. The only thing I could see being added is some sort of message that warns you when you reach 'Tired' status, as nothing is more annoying than chopping away at some trees, not paying your energy any mind, then out pops a spider that you attempt to attack twice and suddenly you have no energy, you've been webbed, and the venom is causing your energy to drain steadily.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Nootau »

I would only like energy to be changed if this would also result in how you read damage taken to be altered. Both energy and physical wounds are types of damage, especially from a Rook's and Hydromancer's PoV.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by qinweiqi »

I like the idea of status changes to energy (and health for that matter) having an option for numerical results (currently exists) and status messages. I like the numbers, but I also like the occasional message I see "You are feeling hungry" or "You are feeling ravenous." Aside from RP, the functional advantage to status messages will be not having to choose between lots of scroll lines and being clueless when using blowtorch or other phone mud clients.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Vertebrate »

Good idea. I suppose in the interim I could set a trigger and a bell so I know (from the prompt) when I am tired.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by Rithiel »

Just wanted to point out that the game does tell you when you're energy level changes to a new discrete level. It just doesn't say what exactly that level is.
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Re: suggestion: energy status changes

Post by faylen »

Rithiel, are you referring to in the prompt or something else? I've only seen messages when the actual energy category changes if I'm channeling, unless that gets gagged out when the option to omit combat flavor text is turned on?

I'm ok with it either way, right now I just check status often if I think I'm getting to the danger point, but just wondering what you mean by that.
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