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A better fix

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:57 am
by Drayla
This isn't really a request for something new, but rather for a change to something that already exists. I don't really like the way weapons are repaired currently. Armor is understandable: You get cracks, holes, or dents in your armor, you heat it up a little, hammer it back out, and it's almost good as new. However, doing so with a weapon that has a blade or sharp tip is only going to get weakened by doing the same to it, and it wouldn't ever be as sharp as it used to be, if it didn't break in half at the first solid contact it made. I think a more convincing way to sharpen these weapons is a grindstone, where the blade can be honed by being held against the rough surface of a spinning stone wheel in order to sharpen the blade and remove any nicks or gouges from the edge. I would at least like to see this for bladed weapons, since all of them could be repaired in this manner. However, with other weapon types, only some would be eligible for this type of repair. A pickaxe could not be repaired like this, for instance, while a greataxe most definitely could.