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A new option for visually impaired

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:47 pm
by Lun
A new player brought up the issue of thwacking friendlies due to being unable to tell between them. We came up with the idea of adding an option to add a tag to mobs, such as (h) for hostile, (p) for passive, (f) for friendly, (PC) for players, (GM) for Gurus.

It might look something like this, with option 13 on.

[Mistral Lake, Town Square] (OutUr) [temperate]
Several lamp posts stand in this square, though the pervading mist will ever hamper one's vision here. In the center of the area is a wooden railing surrounding a large square-shaped *hole in the wooden platform upon which the town is built, surrounded by simple wooden *benches. It appears to be a popular spot for fishing. Along the outer square are various *buildings and venues, including a post *office, and a general *store, all crammed tightly together to make the best use of the limited platform space. To the north, the town platform meets the mountainside, against which has been carved a rough road in order to accommodate more *buildings.
The dim light lessens your vision slightly. There is a small crowd of people here. There is a thin cloud of fog here. The area is slightly noisy.
You also notice an iron-edged large wooden crate (open), a large post board, some wanted posters hung on the back of a large post board, a wooden trash barrel, a copper-banded fir barrel and a yew-planked wagon (being pulled by a white and tan overo filly).
Also here: the Fisherman Alerr (p), a white and tan overo filly (p) and your fine-boned black palfrey (f).

EDIT: In the middle of writing the post, a GM mentioned that hostiles get a curly bracket in Option 13, but I'll leave this idea here anyway.