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'Ally' commands

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:34 am
by Lun
After playing around with the Udemi "Minor Taming" ability and the Rook "Command Nethrim" ability, I noticed a complete lack of control over an ally NPC. This is fine for balance and lore, if you think about it; after all, they're not a connected minion like the Shadow Familiar. It brings up issues, however, once the NPC takes an aggressive stance towards anything aside from the caster though.

Earlier today, I was playing with the Rook's "Command Nethrim" ability. It just so happened that I came across River and her werewolf before the timer on my Command wore off, and the soul, once released, attacked River's werewolf. River could do "minion forgive" to make the werewolf stop, but the soul, even once retamed, kept being aggressive towards the werewolf. This happened five minutes later again when I lost control of the soul and it attacked my warhorse. I couldn't get it to stop attacking whenever it saw something it was "aggressive" to before taming.

A command that will let you force the "NPC" to forgive would fix this problem, much like the "familiar" command or the "minion" command.

Since you technically don't have much control over an ally, the list of commands would be pretty short, much like the familiars list.

Syntax: Ally [command]


Anything else that should be added to the list, someone can suggest! :]

Re: 'Ally' commands

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:56 am
by Rias
They're supposed to be fairly difficult to control and unruly. In this situation I'd recommend dismissing the nethrim and then re-commanding it. The initial commanding should cause it to forget all its hate.

Re: 'Ally' commands

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:33 am
by Lun
Recommanding it doesn't cause it to forget its hate, though. Then I guess it was a bug, my bad.

Re: 'Ally' commands

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:01 pm
by Avedri
Have seen and bugged this as well.