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Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 7:31 am
by Lun
So I noticed we have wooden swords, daggers, and an assortment of other items we could use for training weapons skills, but nothing for archers. A sharpened point arrow still does a lot of damage, enough to kill with (and I can't just shoot a twig at them, I've tried.) Would it be possible to sell the blunted practice arrows in archery stores for sparring with other players? The other day I was sparring with Blitz, but decided against attacking him because all my arrows were lethal while he just took playful jabs at me.

tl;dr, I want to shoot people without harming them.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 12:10 am
by Blitz
Feh! My playful jabs are lethal too! Bring your best, puny hyuumin!

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:22 am
by Isiaa
Tough. Even a blunt arrow will do large amounts of damage to a human person. They would get very bad bruising. And that's with a simple 30 pound arrow. If your using a longbow the lightest they come at is 50 pounds. That's an arrow of say 100 grams being fired with the force you need to lift roughly 50 pounds of the floor to the height of the arrow. Even a blunt arrow will do damage especially if you hit the head.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:27 am
by Blitz
We could give you a toy-bow. A weaker pull and an inch of plate metal might save my innards.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 2:44 am
by Isiaa
Wear straw armour... That might work better. 12 pound draw and the arrows would simply bounce of even if they're sharpened. Tightly packed straw. Although that might look a wee bit comical and a Pyro who's in a bad mood and decides to take it out on you would burn the armour straight off.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:06 am
by Lun
I was thinking about the blunted arrows the young snipers shoot. Those do anywhere from 1-5 damage maximum.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 8:15 am
by Kiyaani
It would be nice if - instead of shooting your fellow man to practice - you could shoot targets. Obviously those would need a cap on them since they're not moving objects. But this goes back to training dummies which were removed for good reason. Honestly, the blunted arrows those snipers use probably have giant pads on the end instead of actual arrow tips because the damage is ridiculously low. I can't really see someone being willing to let another player shoot them, even for training purposes.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 9:09 am
by Jaster
I'd let someone shoot an arrow at me.. and then catch it right before it burrows into my brain. Then later, I would deflect a massive exploding bullet with my sword and die.

Re: Blunted practice arrows for players

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 1:40 pm
by Acarin
Feel free to shoot arrows at me as well. I don't get to use arrow deflection enough these days.