Map so empty...

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Map so empty...

Post by Drayla »

I'd like to see more campsites and safehouses hidden away in the wilderness to give those who spend most of their time there a place to call their own. But most of all, I'd like to see a major town on the far western side of the map. The western 1/3 of the map has very little in it, just one or two hamlets and couple points of interest. It seems the Chapterhouse is the only thing hidden on that side of the map as well. I'd like to see that space utilized in some way so everyone isn't spending 100% of their time crowding the eastern plains, woods, and towns. I want to have a reason to head to the west every now and then.
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Blitz »

The wilderness was very recently expanded towards the west. The western-most columns of wilderness won't be void for long. ;)
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Drayla »

Oh, okay then. :) Thanks for telling me.
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Zoiya »

We are always trying to expand west on the wilderness map and with expansion comes building up. It takes time and all of our GM's are basically volunteers so we do what we can when we can.

I personally will be adding more hamlets, homes, nooks and other fun things. I don't know if we'll see any more major towns, but never say never.
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Orris »

Don't stop until you get to the ocean!
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Kiyaani »

And then leave it empty so we can all see Orris cry ;)
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Re: Map so empty...

Post by Lysse »

I mentioned it in chat a couple of times, but I thought it'd be worth bringing up again. It'd be nice if there were a few more caves and cave systems around the Ebon mountains, as well as the mountains that are south/southwest of Ebon mountains.
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