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Crafting: How its made.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:30 pm
by Nootau
The Bow

The bow is made up of two parts, we shall call them the 'Arm' and the 'Cord'.

The 'Cord' is made from a mix of braided plant fibers and treated with wax. One of the most common and reliable plants to use is FLAX. This plant can be FORAGED in open GRASSLAND areas. The next major step is to THRASH a BUNDLE of five or more shafts of FLAX to pull free the inner FLAX FIBER. This fiber can be SPUN unto FLAX THREAD which can be braided and treated with wax making it suitable for being 'Cord'.

The 'Arm' of the bow can be made simply form a single piece of straight, flat, wood that has not dried out yet, for this we will use BRANCHES form a fell-ed tree. Long branches can be used to make long arms, short branches can be used to make short arms while medium branches can make an average arm, straight branches are the easiest branches to make bow 'Arms' out of.

Once a BRANCH is found, the bark must be WHITTLED from the underlying wood. Afterwards the bark-less branch can be CARVED into a ARM. Once the notches are finished all that is left would be to attach the cord to the bow.

When someone STRINGs a 'Arm' with a 'Cord' they can set the tension of the future bow. If they STRING TIGHT the bow will have a heavy draw while if they STRING LOOSE it will have a light draw. Simply STRINGing a bow will allow a normalized draw.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:22 am
by Isiaa
Arrows would require two stones,one hard and one soft as well as a medium or small branch depending on what size bow you will use the arrow with.The arrows would be different lengths for short and longbows,yes?
Sharpen stone,whittle branch.Then a command to split the top of the branch and insert the stone.Possibly some string
would be required to firmly attach the head.Also feathers for the flights.Steel, iron etc would have to be forged and would do more damage.