Repeat bandaging until you succeed

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Repeat bandaging until you succeed

Post by Kontar »

For bandaging it would be useful if it continued to try to bandage until it succeeded instead of having to type it over and over again. If you use it on someone without specifying which part, or maybe do like BANDAGE KONTAR ALL it would be nice to keep bandaging all their wounded areas automatically.
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Post by Kontar »

Or BANDAGE KONTAR ANY to try and bandage any wound the person might have, starting from the worst wound (bleeding).
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Post by Kiyaani »

I use the up arrow if I fail so I don't have to retype, but being able to auto-target the bleeding wounds would be nice.
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Post by Cythen »

It would be nice if you could just put 'bandage MY right arm" or if "bandage right arm" defaulted to your own.
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Post by Kent »

[quote=Cythen]It would be nice if you could just put 'bandage MY right arm" or if "bandage right arm" defaulted to your own.[/quote]

Yes, agreed with Cythen. Sometimes I am on a tiny keyboard with a lot of parts to bandage, and could more easily just type "bandage right arm" instead of "bandage kent right arm".

Even better would be "bandage r a"
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Post by Jaster »

'Bandage self' and it automatically bandages your most severe wound. That'd rock.
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Post by Jaren »

I have an easy plugin for this if anyone is interested. It works in conjunction with my pluginator mods and all you have to do is keep typing BAN to bandage yourself.

Right now it is set up to work just for me but if there is enough interest I can make a user friendly version.
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Post by Rithiel »

I don't see us automating bandaging your own highest wound, but we have made an attempt to cut down on typing. You can now use 'my' and l or r when bandaging (but not lef or rig).

So something like band my l arm will now work.
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Post by Orris »

This is real nice, thank you!
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Post by Kenionatus »

Yes, thank you.
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Re: Repeat bandaging until you succeed

Post by Rithiel »

Even less typing! You should all try bandage me.

Basically goes head to toe (in order) and tries to bandage you. Will not auto-repeat and will not automatically bandage the worst wound.
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