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Role-Play improvement request: only saleable items in pawnshops

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:41 pm
by Kent
Dear game hosts,

As a former retailer, it is a little disappointing to see items in a pawnshop that just aren't going to be bought - because they belong in a trash bin. It takes a bite out of the strong role-play environment that CLOK has built up.

Then to make matters worse, there are some nice, resaleable items that the pawn merchant won't buy.

Perhaps we could start by looking at the first matter.

A sample of the items currently in the Shadgard pawnshop:

2. a crude copper-headed mace .................. Qty: 9
11. a pair of leather gloves ................... Qty: 4
12. a crude spruce staff ....................... Qty: 2
13. a rough-carved pine staff .................. Qty: 1
15. a crude pine trident haft .................. Qty: 5
16. a crude oak trident haft ................... Qty: 1
17. a crude spruce trident haft ................ Qty: 1
19. a misshapen pine dussack ................... Qty: 5
23. a nicked copper dagger ..................... Qty: 3
25. some malformed copper gauntlets ............ Qty: 9
28. some dirty woolen socks .................... Qty: 1
29. some crude copper sabatons ................. Qty: 1

Going to the pawnshop and having to see all these items among the few good things is a disheartening event, akin to spam, and is not part of an authentic RP experience. No one - neither PC or NPC - is going to part with riln for these items.

So, my suggestion is that pawnshops no longer accept anything that is below 'typical' or 'average' crude, rough-carved, malformed, etc. No more dirty socks or worn or ripped garments plucked from the corpses of infested, in fact, it probably ought to be illegal to bring those spore-ridden garments into town the same way it is to bring iron into Corvus.

For incomplete weapons - parts, hafts, arrow shafts, etc...I request the pawnshop only buy well-carved or better.

I remain yours truly,

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:02 pm
by Skjotur
The weapons and armor belong there I think, even if low quality. When I make an alt the first thing I do is check the pawnshop for cheap equipment, and I'd be thrilled to find a cheap dagger or some armor. Low quality doesn't mean I can't use it to start off practicing with.

Incomplete weapon parts like hafts and hilts I would say shouldn't be accepted at all though.

How does the pawnbroker know those items were taken from infested? If they're not covered in mushrooms or mold or something I don't see how he would.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:18 pm
by Kent
[quote=Skjotur]The weapons and armor belong there I think, even if low quality. When I make an alt the first thing I do is check the pawnshop for cheap equipment, and I'd be thrilled to find a cheap dagger or some armor. Low quality doesn't mean I can't use it to start off practicing with. [/quote]

Maybe I would buy the nicked dagger starting out, I'll grant you that. But I've never wanted to spend 20 riln or even 4 for some misshapen carved item I could carve myself for nothing...have you?

[quote=Skjotur]How does the pawnbroker know those items were taken from infested? If they're not covered in mushrooms or mold or something I don't see how he would.[/quote]

Well, as a side point, there should be spores and mould on them, to correspond with what you see when you 'look' at the infested humanoid that was wearing them, imho.

But my main point was that dirty, ripped, and torn used clothing is not even fit for the orphanage, spores on them or not.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:52 am
by Lysse
If clothing is torn, ripped or the like, then it's reasonable that it would not be purchased. However, spores from fungus are not always visible to the naked eye. The resen also may not necessarily spread to non-living objects.

That being said, I think it might be reasonable for pelts skinned from infested creatures to have a decent chance of being discoloured or contain irregularities, due to Resen present.