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bundling herbs

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 7:50 am
by Kenionatus
It is very anoying to move 26 comfreys from my backpack into the mortar. A lot of scroll and time would be saved if herbs would automaticly form bundles.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:16 am
by Jirato
I have a transfer verb on my todo list that may also help with this.

Example: transfer fresh comfrey from backpack to mortar

I probably won't be doing much coding on Monday, But I will see about getting it in by Tuesday evening.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:37 am
by Kiyaani
That would be amazing.

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:07 am
by Jirato
While not related to the original request, just FYI, transfer is now live.

You may also specify an amount if desired, for example transfer 5 fresh comfrey from backpack to mortar. If you do not specify an amount, all items matching your search string up to the container's item/weight limit will be moved.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:51 am
by Kenionatus
Thank you very much!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 7:01 am
by Kenionatus
Would you mind implementing:
a. Transfering from a container I'm not holding (e.g. a handcart).
b. Transfering from or to the ground.
This would be usefull for transfering ore to the furnace and picking up logs after chopping a tree.