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Skill Filter

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 4:07 am
by Ragn
I'd like to see the ability to filter the skills that show when you use "Skill" compared to "Skill All".

Preferably by individual skill, instead of by skill group.

Not working on some skills for a while, or simply not wanting to advance them at all and only have them because you thought you'd try logging to see what the fuss about.. or forgetting to pull a weapon out and suddenly ending up with some brawling skill that you'll never touch again?

Well, just filter them so you don't clutter up your "Skill" list.

Not sure how useful some would find this, but I know I'd like it.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:59 am
by Kiyaani
I'd find it useful, but I'd find it more useful if we could 'track' more than just what we pay to study. I know that little status box gets rather full rather fast, but if we could track up to maybe... 6, including the 3 studied that would be amazing. For those trying to level defensive and offensive skills together it would be much easier to visualize progress w/o having to type skills each time you land a blow or perform a task.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 10:04 am
by Kiyaani
On that note - I too would like to be able to filter out things like farming that will forever remain at .08 skill since I just grabbed one or two veggies from a field once.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:21 am
by Ragn
[quote=Kiyaani]On that note - I too would like to be able to filter out things like farming that will forever remain at .08 skill since I just grabbed one or two veggies from a field once.[/quote]

Perfectly.. I'd just like to set them back to 0%.. but I figure a filter is the nice medium ground.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:32 am
by hadesfire
why can't we forget unwanted skills? It would literally have 0 benefits other than clearing up your skill list.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:35 am
by Kiyaani
RP-wise you might lose skill in something, but I don't think you'd ever fully forget how you did something once. Also, I could see players requesting restorations if they accidentally lost something they wanted later on and that opens a new can of worms on both sides (GM and player)

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 1:54 pm
by Rithiel
I'm not going to change how skills currently functions, but I did add a favorites list. You can type skills favorites for syntax help.

As to forgetting skills: No, for exactly the reason Kiyaani pointed out.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:04 pm
by cliff
While we're on the topic of displaying skills, I'd like to suggest that skills with temporary modifications (reduced stealth skill due to wearing armor, etc) have their true value displayed next to the modified amount.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 6:57 pm
by Lemuel
[quote=Kiyaani]On that note - I too would like to be able to filter out things like farming that will forever remain at .08 skill since I just grabbed one or two veggies from a field once.[/quote]

Which proves there is an oh-so-fine line between an amateur farmer and a carrot thief.

But seriously, to look at this from another angle, how about implementing a system where, every time you gain a guild level, the decimal portions of skills of 0.2 or less are rounded down to 0.0, and the decimal portions of skills of 0.201 or higher are rounded up to the next whole number? Examples:

Fishing 12.29 -----> rounded up to 13 when a guild level is gained
Climbing 16.1702 ---------> rounded down to 16 when a guild level is reached

Gaining guild levels doesn't happen very often (maybe 10-12 times in your first year, then 6 in your second year?), so this would not have any major impact on your skill leveling. It would address some of the problematic skills that never seem to grow (see the post discussing stealth and picking pockets), and would clean up useless little stats like the after-effects of Kiyaani's celery snatching. If you barely try something, then don't practice it, you do lose a chunk of it...take it from someone who used to be able to speak French fluently.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:04 pm
by Kiyaani
1) I didn't say it was on that character.
2) I didn't steal them. The field was clearly abandoned and the other plots had withered.
3) What does that even have to do with this thread?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 7:08 pm
by Lemuel
I was just kidding, Kiyaani. I wasn't even meaning to single you out, just the general idea that anyone of us pulling a couple of tomatoes from a vine gets us a 0.08 farming skill that we don't need.

At least the tomato vine doesn't chase us with a rapier.