"minion" Rework Ideas

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"minion" Rework Ideas

Post by Marauder »

Well, as long as I've been using an animated minion, I've been reminded how bare bones the commands for them are, and at times, reminded how bugged they are. To the point!

"assist" does the same thing as "guard". Your minion joins you then guards you. I'd REALLY like this to be changed to having your minion assist you in combat without guarding you.

"stay" does not work on minions created via the Minor Animation ability because they teleport to you every time you move a certain number of rooms/after a certain amount of time. "lay" works for this, however.

"lay" should be reworked to allow them to lay down on either the floor OR an object like, say, a bed roll.

We need a "sit" or "rest" command to allow use to order minions to sit down on an object or the ground.

How about advanced tactics setting for minions as a rework of the "avoid" command? Like, "minion tactics parry" would set the minion to parrying tactics.

I'd like to bring the subject of naming minions back up, as well. Whether naming them appears for other people or not, I don't really care, but a general "nickname" command that allows us to name a minion or set a name for a minion that's been introduced to us would be ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL.

As a final thing, I'd like to see a "minion get", "minion drop", "minion put", "minion remove" and "minion equip" set of commands. So we could, for example, have a minion carry a lantern around, wear something if they're not opposed to it (Animation only, perhaps?), and in general manipulate objects so they can carry stuff for if hired/animated to do such. Maybe allow us to have a "minion give" command as well, for smooth interactions with other people.

Edit: [OOC - Zafyr]: As far as minions go, the orders they accept really should depend on what kind of minion they are.
Meaning, "equip" and "remove" should not work on hired Mercenaries, but would work on Minor Animations, since they're under your complete control, pretty much.
Last edited by Marauder on Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Gentlemen, all I ask for is war. A war so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms, what is it you really want? Do you wish for further war as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody war? A war whose fury is built with iron, and lightning, and fire? Do you ask for war to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth?!"
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