Picking Pockets

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Picking Pockets

Post by Kiyaani »

I'm not sure if this is intended or a bug, but currently there are no skillgains to stealth for successfully picking a pocket. Would it be possible to have this adjusted to at least match the amount of pick-pocket skill gained per attempt? Or perhaps PP skill = Stealth gain for stealing from a crowd, but the gain is moderated if stealing from an npc or player based on their passive perception, so stealing from someone like Gad with super high perception would give more skill than stealing from someone with no perception. Not that I'd ever steal from you, Gad. I'd appreciate any and all feedback on this idea.

The reason I bring this up - aside from the fact that stealing should require a stealth check and skill - is thieves are not supposed to be combat oriented, but rather defensive and sneaky. Basic training gives no combat skills, but currently the only way to get stealth gains is via combat which seems counter to the intent of the guild.
Last edited by Kiyaani on Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rias »

It should be granting gains, so I'll look at why it might not be for some people.
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Post by Emerson »

Can we please please please get some stealth gains for stealing from hiding? With sugar and all that too.

I current don't get any stealth gains from stealing from a crowd.

Considering the huge risks involved like getting attacked, killed, and losing rep in the town or getting arrested, I really feel that some stealth gains along with pickpocketing is justified.

Edited to say: I've been testing and I don't even get any pickpocketing skill gains from 'steal crowd' either... this makes me very sad panda.
Last edited by Emerson on Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lemuel »

I calculate I have to pick (successfully) 167 pockets of rogues or brigands to get a single point gain in pick pockets. Amongst those successes are the times they notice me and proceed to teach me (with dagger and mace) that crime does not pay. (I am forced in these latter situations to either flee, or go all mercenary on them.)

Some guild abilities require a high pick pockets skill to qualify for. Back when this high number was set, one could re-take a pick pocket lesson (and get a guaranteed plus one+) every 24 hours. Those lesson rules have since changed.

The current result is that those guild abilities, though they were once achievable in about 7 months (I suppose) of steady play, are now essentially unattainable (eq estimated time to increase Pick Pockets sufficiently to qualify = circa 3 years.

This makes me a sad tabby cat.
Last edited by Lemuel on Thu Feb 07, 2013 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Emerson »

Actually, back in the day you could buy 1 rank every 30 minutes that lead to being able to get 48 ranks a day, if you had the money and never slept.

I agree a bit that I think some of the skill requirements for thieves could stand to be looked at.

To get 1000 stealth, or even 500 stealth? At this rate it would probably take me several years to ever reach that level to get those abilities with how difficult I've found it to gain any sort of stealth.

I imagine that locksmithing has also gotten tougher to skill up since then too. As an example, I've also finally gained 100 skill in lockpicking, bringing me to 150 total. That's been basically doing burlgary tasks non-stop when I do play, (With training included, I am never without locksmithing training.)

I've gained 6 guild promotions purely on that task alone and now I still have 100 skill to go to get lockpick crafting and will probably have 3-4 more guild points available before that time.

I do realize that I am not around nearly as much as some people, but I figured I should throw that out there too as another prerequisite that might need adjusting.
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Post by Jaster »

I will say this. The only reason my stealth and picking pockets skills are as high as they are is because it was much easier to gain them when I first started. I have over 1000 picking pockets AND stealth and the majority of BOTH was gained from stealing from the crowd in shadgard.. back when that gave gains. It didn't take me all that long to get it that up there so the abuse potential is incredibly high. Don't argue. I did it.

That being said, picking pockets is incredibly difficult to train now. In all seriousness I probably haven't gained 10 points since the above was changed. But I also haven't devoted much time to try. Take it with a grain of salt.
Last edited by Jaster on Fri Feb 08, 2013 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rias »

The numbers are being looked at and have been changed a little, but they'll continue to change as we test, so don't get too set on anything.
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Post by Emerson »

Thanks Rias, it is nice to know you guys will look into adjusting things like this.

I've been testing a bit and am getting some gains now, which is great. It's still very dangerous, but I feel like it's worth attempting now.

Edited to add: Ow...

You scan the area, looking for an opportune mark ...
You attempt to pick the pocket of a passer-by, but she catches you in the act! A passer-by points at you and shouts, "Thief!" Roundtime: 5 seconds.

an annoyed elemancer gesture at you.
A fiery blast of air surges toward you! (R:975 vs D:91)
4 fire damage -- to the left arm, somewhat deflected by some buffed leather vambraces.
(energy -4)
You fall to the ground!
Roundtime: 10 seconds.

an annoyed elemancer gestures at you.
A jet of fire surges toward you! (R:975 vs D:45)
12 fire damage to the left eye!
(energy -12)
29 fire damage to the left eye!
(energy -29)
You continue to bleed from your left eye.
(energy -2)
Last edited by Emerson on Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kiyaani »

Take one for the team, Emerson. ;)
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