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Peering into the Wilderness - telescope required

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:15 am
by Lemuel
I would like to make a proposal for peering long distances:

(1) That it be no longer possible to peer in wilderness area with the naked eye, except for an abbreviated version of it mentioned in #4 below.

(2) That a new item be available in towns, the brass telescope


It would like to see it work like bandages or firestones, viz, if you have the telescope in an open container or attached to your belt, you type PEER WEST and the codebase responds with something like
You peer through your telescope to see in the west....etc.

(3) That if you are in a non-wilderness area with a wilderness exit, it be changed so that with the afore-mentioned telescope, it be allowed to PEER WILDERNESS and see what's in that room.

(4) A little tougher to code, but a character on a hill or plains who PEERS in a direction where there is a city, building, tower, etc., that an abbreviated version of the info be visible, viz the fact of those buildings, but no details or mobs visible to the naked eye. Also, if it is a forest room that he's peering at without a telescope, mention that he sees forest without any details, etc. No doubt this suggestion would be the last to be implemented due to it's complexity.

(5) That if you are in a non-wilderness room, and if you peer into the next non-wilderness room with your telescope, then you have the chance of spotting hidden creatures. I would recommend that this type of non-wilderness peering require the character to Get Telescope and be holding it while peering to have the chance of spotting hiddens, unlike #2 above.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:25 am
by KianTheArcher
This seems like a neat feature, though it'd be something I'd implement later rather than sooner. The Utasa ability idea I had (farsight lense) would fit in nicely with your concept, as an alternative means of scoping out areas.

However, I'm not sure why a spyglass would help you to see hidden people. While it certainly extends your sight, a spyglass doesn't actually help you to notice things better. Particularly considering Stealth and Perception go beyond mere sight, and apply things like sounds to the mixture.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:28 am
by Marauder
I honestly prefer my idea due to the fact that this would require a new Udemi ability, and for the fact that telescopes shouldn't be so easily purchased (given their specialized creation). It's basically a scenario like being a Mummer with Telepathy. Sure, it could come in handy in select few situations, but you only get it for the fact that you need it for Mindsense, because you can so easily buy a new telepathic artifact without any real hassle, or just carry multiple on you in less suspicious containers.

Point being. It's over-complicating things, in my personal view. That and I agree with Kian on the chance to spot hidden people, especially if said people are hiding in areas with large amounts of cover (see: towns, heavy forests, et cetera).

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:16 pm
by Acarin
I'd actually think it would make it harder to notice hidden things because, although you have magnification, you also have a reduced field of view.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:31 pm
by Nootau
I can't believe it but.. I have to agree with Acarin on this.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:09 pm
by Acarin
Don't blame yourself. It happens from time to time.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 5:32 am
by Lemuel
As far as seeing hidden (both persons and objects) in the next room, remember guys, I suggested

(1) it is a town room I am talking about, not wilderness. In other words, down the street.
(2) I suggested only the lesser, passive chance to spot the hidden, not the higher active chance

Haven't you ever seen a movie where a guy looks through a telescope and sees someone hiding under a tree or in the bushes?

As far as technology - telescopes are at least one tech level below muskets and two tech levels below flintlock revolvers.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 7:26 am
by KianTheArcher
A spyglass still would not improve a person's chance of spotting someone hidden. Like I said, a spyglass just magnifies your vision, it does not actually improve it. And like Acarin says, you're willingly reducing your own field of view in exchange for seeing things further away.