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Horses and Oceans.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:31 pm
by Hadya
Some things that would make a fun MUD even better:

Whaling, shipbuilding, scrimshaw carving, player owned ships and fishing boats- for whenever you all get around to building the ocean!

Maybe some of those elemancer Aeromancy/Hydromancy skills could aid in altering currents and winds for sailing ships.

I love that Clok has horses! Horses would be even better if you could train them for different purposes and breed them for desirable traits. I don’t know how doable that is in this game, but it would be fun to have player owned stables and training pens. I suppose you would have to speed up their aging like you did with the crop growth. Equine gestation is 11 months, and you shouldn’t start riding a horse until maturity at 2-3 years or you damage their bone structure.

It would also be nice if you added gender into a horse’s description. All warhorses should be stallions, standard riding horses should be mares or geldings.

I’m new to this game, but I’m enjoying it quite a bit. I’ve played GS on and off since 2001 (mostly off, due to the price), and haven’t seen another MUD that interested me until this one. I think I read most of the previous suggestions; hopefully I’m not repeating what other people have already requested.

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:19 pm
by Lemuel
I was thinking about scrimshaw carving the other day too. I like these ideas. Whaling is so inhumane, though; I hope we just have deep sea fishing.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:08 pm
by Isiaa
Clok is an image of an inhumane time in some parts though.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:23 pm
by Hadya
I'm not a fan of commercial whaling either, Lemuel. Whale hunting on a small scale isn't less humane than other kinds of hunting, fishing, or raising animals for food. The Inuit have been whalers since about 3,000 BC, without whaling I don't know if they would have survived. Plus, Clok whales could regenerate..and how are we going to have scrimshaw without whale teeth? :)

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:37 pm
by Aleesia
I have a suggestion for horses:
Once you buy a horse, they become your responsibility, correct? If they're that much of a responsibility and cost 5000 riln, then shouldn't you be more watchful of your horse?

I think horses should have hunger just like us, and if they get too hungry, they would starve to death and you can find them back at the stables.