Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other horse items

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Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other horse items

Post by Lemuel »

Here is a screen clip from another MUD that has a few desirable features:

Medienne Smithy

The sound of the rhythmic pounding of metal upon metal fills the air,
originating from a large anvil towards the back of the smithy. A large
furnace burns hotly near the open window, which allows a negligible amount of
cool air in. A small sign hangs by the eastern doorway, indicating a stable
in the next room.

A burly blacksmith is here pounding iron against iron.

Item Price Weight Level Number Condition
---- ----- ------ ----- ------ ---------
a finely-crafted leather saddle 900 10.00 1 7 perfect
a leather barding 4000 10.00 1 3 perfect
a heavy chain barding 8400 25.00 1 2 perfect
a set of leather saddlebags 750 8.00 1 1 perfect

Barding is armor you put on your horse; the saddlebags are a container you can put items in; the saddle improves movement. With each, you put <item> on horse.
- locksmith Lemuel 'I do all my own stunts.'

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Post by Rias »

We're testing some of this stuff right now, as a matter of fact. Just plopping armor on a horse not trained for it would probably have averse effects.
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Post by Lemuel »

[quote=Rias]We're testing some of this stuff right now, as a matter of fact. Just plopping armor on a horse not trained for it would probably have averse effects.[/quote]

Yes that is the way I think; the other MUD allowed you to put barding on a riding horse, which I disagreed with; it should only be for warhorses.

I would hope that horseshoes would be on the list too of added items, to assist a bit with movement or something like that.
- locksmith Lemuel 'I do all my own stunts.'

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Re: Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other hor

Post by Makkah »

Did barding get added? The knights at the Valeria entry have some well-fitted horses. No idea if they're functional or not, but they look awesome:

It is wearing an iron chaffron, an iron crinet and some iron crupper and peytral barding.
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Re: Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other hor

Post by Karasi »

On another game I've played, make that two games I've played, I've seen the following items. Just going to combine them since saying where they're from doesn't really matter:


The one game had saddles with built-in bags that you couldn't see. The saddle was just a container on its own. The other game had saddlebags you could buy, one per mount, that you could tie to the horse's saddle. They also had armor for the horse, just called something like "armor with red cover', which really meant nothing to me, but they were for warhorses.

I have no idea what barding is, except for what another poster explained, about it being for warhorses.
Horseshoes are a must, in my oppinion.

Also, I'd love if we could have customizable designs, maybe based on guild, town, region, etc. Different stitching, different saddle types, perhaps, definitely saddlebags for horses, maybe no bags for war mounts since it wouldn't make sense for one of those to be loaded down with things. Maybe it would?
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Re: Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other hor

Post by Rias »

Horse armor exists and is functional, but is currently only available to unique Templar mounts. There's no way to add it to existing horses at this time, and it will likely require additional (expensive) training for war mounts before they can be equipped with it.

This will in turn add to my disdain of the "your horse teleports to a stable when it dies" thing, making yet another expense a one-time forgettable cost.

Regarding saddlebags, they do exist, but are still pretty unwieldly in how they're used, and are not yet publicly available. They'll be available to everyone once they're publicly released, no hoop-jumping required. I like the idea of war mounts only being willing to carry so much (less than a draft horse), or else having it so that if you weigh them down with a ton of stuff like you would with a draft horse, they lose much of their combat effectiveness (maybe even make combat worse since they're so weighed down and can't move quickly without stumbling) and can't charge/trample.
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Re: Desired Feature from another MUD - Saddles and other hor

Post by xavier »

can we get grooming implements as well?
combs, brushes, ribbons, bells. These would all be roleplay of course but let's say someone wanted to make their mount really pretty cause they were going to rp a ride in the woods with their signifigant other they could use ribbons and bells to prettify the mount and it would chime as it entered and left. combs and brushes are not a must kind of thing as this can easily be emoted but you could make it an integrel part of stabling a mount. they already charge you more for healing, why not charge you some extra if you didn't groom it yourself
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