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Desired Feature from another MUD - Movement

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:56 pm
by Lemuel
In a similar vein as the TONE command in CLOK, it would be nice to see the MOVEMENT command from another mud I played.

I post here the helpfiles:

help movement
Topic: Movement
Category: Movement


movement <verb>
movement none


Allows you to set the verbs that are seen when you move from room to room.
Typing "movement" without an argument shows you the list of choices.

You can reset your movement to the default by specifying "none".

Not all movement verbs are available to players; some are reserved for mobs.

<M|22hp 52e 100mv NESW>
Movement Types:
amble ambulate clamber crawl
creep dance dash flit
hobble hop limp lope
lumber lurch march meander
pace pad parade plod
prance prowl ramble roam
rove run saunter scamper
scramble shamble shuffle sidle
skip skulk slink slog
stagger stalk stomp straggle
stride stroll strut stumble
swagger tiptoe traipse tramp
trudge walk wander

[ Current setting: none ]

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:07 pm
by Lemuel
Thus, this setting would cause the following RP-type effects when someone moves, it would no longer be simply 'Spearhead arrives' or Jaster leaves north' but would be more interesting, here are examples:

Spearhead marches in from the west.

Jaster tiptoes east.

Evelyn prowls in from the north.

Kiyaani paces south.

Bryce runs northeast.

Stuhilly trudges into the wilderness.

Carte walks out,

Each player chooses the type of movement setting their character uses, much the same way as they choose Tone.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:31 pm
by Rias
Spearhead would need a drunken stumble!

I like this idea. Just don't expect me to add things like prance, skip, or sashay. I always thought it was pretty absurd to see people constantly sashaying about in Gemstone.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:43 pm
by Lemuel
Okay, keep the sissy ones out of it.

I wonder if the admins of the other MUD could give you the code for that portion of their MUD, or if it would have to be made from scratch for CLOK.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:48 pm
by Makkah
Got the moves like Jagger.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:50 am
by Jaster
I tiptoe everywhere. Just like the King.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:27 am
by Nootau
[quote=Rias]I like this idea. Just don't expect me to add things like prance, skip, or sashay.[/quote]
[quote=Lemuel]Okay, keep the sissy ones out of it.[/quote]
What's wrong about skipping?

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:47 am
by KianTheArcher
Nootau wants to be able to skip. Because no one messes with the Elemancer in full plate, even if he IS skipping.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:39 am
by Rias
CLOK is a completely custom-built MUD from scratch, so code from other MUDs won't really help. I also prefer to do things ourselves, so we know exactly how they work and what they're doing.

Nothing's wrong with skipping, unless you do it all the time, everywhere. It was a pet peeve of mine in another MUD when people did it, so no skipping-at-all-times movement option, sorry.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:43 am
by Nootau
What kinds of movements would you do all the time then? Better yet.. why not have the style of walk default back to 'walk' after 5 room changes?