Merchant Appraisal

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Merchant Appraisal

Post by Renarin »

I'm not sure if this is in already or not and I'm just not familiar with the syntax but I would like to see implemented a way for us to hold an item and ask the merchant how much they will purchase the item for. That way we can know if it's worthwhile or not.

Just a simple request. Thanks!
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Post by Jaster »

You can APPRAISE <item> when you are holding it in your hand either at a pawnshop or market, depending on if it's a regular item or a commodity item. At the market this also works with wagons and the sort, or a container that has commodity items in it.
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Post by Landion »

Also, Traders who have the Appraisal Specialist ability can do this anywhere. (Meaning they can appraise a single item in their hand.)

Note that Traders cannot appraise their entire wagon, they can appraise a single item to get a basline estimate of what a market might pay for it. This does not take into account market modifiers such as surplus.
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