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Gardens in homes?

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:24 am
by Lun
I've been thinking about this one for quite a bit of time. I enjoy the private housing and the extra storage space and roleplaying opportunities they provide. There were some homes in Keth that I thought had great potential... for having a garden. I would love to be able to plant on a handful of plots inside of a house, for hobby or for sustenance. You could perhaps grow your own food to be cooked. For example, in the courtyard of a house there could be up to four plots of soil that you could plant on. The space cannot be too large, as the fact that you're within a building confines the amount of available planting space. Perhaps with the addition of flower seeds, a person might decide rather than planting strawberry bushes and watermelons, they would rather have roses or tulips.

Building on the flowers for favorites idea, perhaps flowers could be used to craft inks. The inks can then be used to create ANSI messages! Or perhaps used as dye.

Since I'm already thinking so much about plants, perhaps seeds for herbs as well. However, the conditions of the room must fit the herb. For example, if you live in Shadgard, you would be hard pressed to grow comfrey within your home, as it is a near water plant.

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:15 am
by KianTheArcher
Building on this, I'd really love purely RP based craft skills such as painting, sculpting, and the like. Potentially based on things a person has seen, so if Evelyn so desired she could paint a very nice landscape of the Stone Canyons due to the amount of time she's spent there

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:23 am
by Rias
Home gardening would be cool. Maybe some garden boxes for smaller things like flowers and herbs but no crops, where you could just buy one and put it in any home, as well as special homes that could have small full-crop plots in certain areas.