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IC identities and player name

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:48 pm
by Blair
It would be more interesting to be not be able to know another person's name unless revealed by a third party or that person him/herself. In IC situation, I find it funny that I already know a complete's stranger's name without any prior knowledge of that person. When Lord Sceptus appeared before me, the correct response should have been, "who the hell are you?". But instead, I thought, "woah, it's Lord Sceptus." So much for the introductions, I already know who I'm conversing with. Doesn't matter if the person is shrouded. Obscuring a person's identity when his/her face is obscured would add a lot more depth to the game.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:16 pm
by Lae
If nobody introduced themselves I'd be conversing with a half-dozen humanoid people and my brain would explode.


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 10:19 pm
by Makkah
Classic MUD problem. I haven't seen a MUD where it was done properly. It just takes a bit of imagination and personal restraint.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:17 am
by KianTheArcher
I've suggested it before, where there's an Introduction system.

Essentially, you have a short description that shows up if someone doesn't know your name, chosen by the player based on what looks the character has that you want to stand out, something along the lines of...

A tall man with green eyes.

At this point, everyone who does not know your name knows you as that. Until you introduce yourself, or if someone hears your name and remembers you via "Remember <blah> as <name>".

On top of that, it might be handy if you could also describe people, so people could describe a known bandit to other PCs so they know what to look for, or describe what Ardor looks like so that the person in question can know him on sight to place an order.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:23 am
by Landion
I don't see this working very well. Even if race and a few descriptive qualities were included, it would still be quite confusing.

A man says, "Hey, he stole from me!"

A man points at a man.

A man says, "No wai, it was him!"

A man points at a man.

A man blinks.

A man swears.

A man says, "What are you talking about?"

A man says, "Are you sure?"

A man frowns.

A man mutters, "I'm so confused."

Also here: A man, a man, a man, a man, an ugly man or maybe a woman, we're not sure.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:31 am
by Elizamor
A bearded man with ingrown toenails....

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:30 am
by Xzean
I played a MUD called Threshold that uses this exact system.

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:53 am
by Jaster
i'd rather just pretend i don't know a character's name the first time i meet them than deal with an introduction system

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:22 pm
by KianTheArcher
The only reason I like introduction based systems is so I don't forget whether I've met someone or not. xD