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Clok inventory and "hands" system

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:41 am
by Mascond
Hi, I've been playing for a week or so now (Character is also Mascond) and am really enjoying the game. I love how
skills, classes, and crafting have been implemented. There are great maps, great lore, and great players on this game.

That being said the "two hand" inventory system is driving me crazy! I understand that it is more realistic than having some sort of generic inventory system, but not everything that is realistic is good for a game. I always thought of a standard inventory system as a small, useful level of abstraction. I don't have to manage what I'm carrying container by container and hand by hand just like I don't have to go to the washroom when I play, or don't have to micromanage how I move my legs when walking. I find it cumbersome and a bit off-putting to be constantly taking stuff in and out of containers, especially when it's sometimes tricky to do with the item naming system (try taking out a particular sized bar, or a particular type of quartz from a container!)

Also, in real life, sometimes you can hold more than two things or only one thing at once. My character can pull a full mining cart with one hand, but can't hold three nails at the same time. Maybe having an inventory with a certain max encumbrance level would make the game (especially crafting and inventory management) more appealing to new players, or even players who have played other MUDs.

This is just my single grievance in an otherwise fantastic game!

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:38 am
by Isiaa
Size limit? Like maybe a dozen small items, one or two medium items and one large item per hand.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:50 am
by Skjotur
It can be frustrating, but I do like some of the tactical aspects requiring holding items in hands brings. For instance, you give up defense to use a twohanded weapon, because your off-hand has to be empty, instead of holding a shield. In dark areas you have to decide if you're going to trade off your shield or extra weapon to hold a torch, or just run away and avoid dark areas. Stuff like that. I always found it funny in other games that I could use a sword and shield while holding a torch for a light source at the same time.

Or if you're sitting there carving wood with a whittling knife in one hand and a branch in your other, someone can sneak up and catch you unawares for a tactical advantage. They'll get the jump on you while you don't have your sword and shield out to defend yourself.

Sorry to play the other side, I agree that it can be a hassle at times to manage stuff between hands, but I like what the system brings to the game.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:36 pm
by Jaster
I agree with sk. The inventory system is one of the many things I like about CLOK over other muds. That being said I also agree that it can get annoying when you have multiple items with the same names, but that's more an issue with items themselves than with the 'hands' system. And it has been suggested that smaller items like nails should be able to be sold in sales carts with multiples taking up only a single slot in the cart, so I don't see why that wouldn't be a good idea for your hands as well.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:34 pm
by KianTheArcher
Just a random thought I had. A command that allows you to (with a bit of lag) count all of a certain item you have on your person, like if you want to count how many sinew you have in total.

Secondly, maybe something that gives a bit more lag/RT, that essentially takes a full 'inventory' of your inventory.