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Walking - Set Gait

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:36 am
by Kiyaani
Just a general idea of having the ability to change how you walk into or out of a room to add some flair. This would work like 'tone-set' where you can change it for one-time use or set permanently. Also, I'm not sure if this has already been suggested. I know there have been posts about position within a room or custom setting previously. I don't mean to step on anyone's toes.

Some ideas:
Stroll/Saunter - <name> strolls/saunters lazily <to/from direction>
Amble - ambles casually
Plod - plods heavily
Trudge - trudges slowly, their steps heavy on the ground
Limp - limps
Sashay - sashays flamboyantly
Glide - glides gracefully
Bound - bounds cheerily
Stalk - stalks quietly
Pace (possibly more of a verb useage than a walk useage)
Creep - creeps slowly
Sneak - sneaks cautiously
March - marches ceremonially
Stride - strides purposefully
Tramp - tramps noisily
Sway - sways drunkenly
Swagger - swaggers pompously
Strut - struts proudly

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2012 10:28 am
by Evelyn
Sounds pretty nifty! I'd like to be able to skip! Cool idea Kiya. :)