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It's fun to "consider" things

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:31 pm
by Lun
A somewhat fun, somewhat irritating thing about combat currently is that we're unable to compare our strength against that of a monster's without engaging it in combat. However, engaging it leads to death, generally, since a lot of monsters are incredibly skilled in killing newbies. A command such as CONSIDER would help players compare their current skill against that of a monsters, or even just provide a text comparison of the creature's strength to your own.

>Consider bison
A shaggy bison would completely crush you!
>Consider coyote
A coyote is a fair opponent.

Stuff like that. Or you could go as far as to include highest combat stat comparisons between the player and the opponent. This could lower the number of accidental deaths by attacking a monster much higher level than you.

Or rather than it being a separate command, it could be attached to "look" as a small extra line. If it's a viable and cool idea, it doesn't really need a high priority. Just a thought.