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A General (to-be) Big Thread of Minion-Related Suggestions

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:36 pm
by Lun
NPC followers, currently known in general to be minions, lend a significant contribution to any player's combat skills. I'm hoping that some of these suggestions become implemented in the future to help make followers more life-like and more user-friendly. Note: The examples are simply that--examples. They are not to be taken to heart if they are not viable commands.


Currently, whatever armor and weapons a minion has on his or her person when you purchase or raise him or her from the dead is essentially what that minion wear until he or she dies. I think it'd be a good feature to allow a player to modify a minion's equipment since it would allow a player to do the following:
A) Bandage an injured minion
B) Repair a minion's current armor at either the tanner or blacksmith
C) Replace existing minion weapons and armor with more effective weapons and armor
Among other things.
An example of how this might work is if the command "remove" is extended to allow a player to remove armor from a minion. Then by "give"ing a minion armor, the minion will then automatically equip it.
Another method of performing such an action is being able to give your minion riln. While you are offline, your minion might run off to repair his or her armour at standard rates at local blacksmiths and/or tanners. If your minion sees superior armor, he/she will equip that in place of it's current armour.

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 9:15 pm
by Jaren
I've been asking for this for a looooong time. I think it's an old butterfly on the to do list somewhere that's laying way at the bottom of the jar struggling for air.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 2:26 pm
by Lun
I hope they bump it a little higher on this list, then! It'd be a great feature so I can play dress up with my minion.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:56 pm
by Jaren
I just had an epiphany! Rias was talking about a possible spell that would let you possess your animated minion. If that is the case, you could then repair it's equipment and change equipment while you were possessing it.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 11:48 am
by Lun
That only applies to the people who have access to that spell, which basically excludes certain guilds, though. (Like Trader, which doesn't innately possess any spells.)