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Tasks talk

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 2:43 am
by Vitello
Gotta throw my 2 cents on the tasks system.

Awesome start but the assignment and the penalty for removal is a bit tedious. It is a brief timer but what do you do with 2 or 3 minutes? Strikes me as a 'stuck' spot where you can't do much if you're eager to task.

I suggest tweaking the task system to function as a 'board' where tasks are picked from. This will allow the player more freedom of choice in difficulty based on how conservative or daring they are.

Down the road it would also be a good idea to implement more 'newb' friendly tasks. For example 'take this to Mystral Lake. You get there by X Y then Z' This would encourage and help unfamiliar players learn their way around the game world and prepare them for the tougher on location tasks. Don't want to wander lost for half an hour, burn up your rations and then have to dig in for a bug hunt.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 8:53 am
by Landion
I like both of these suggestions.

Having three (or so) random tasks you can choose from of different types would be a good way to give people a choice.

I really like the idea of newbie tasks that would help you learn the game... perhaps something like a miniature interactive quest that takes you around Shadgard and has you practice buying some stuff (like a map!).

Overall tasks are still largely in test mode, so suggestions and ideas like this are certainly welcome.

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:22 pm
by KianTheArcher
I had a brief idea that's been sort of rolling around in my head for a while, so I figured I would post it.

Basically, partially bringing points gained through non-task activities back. By this i mean, allow a person to gain guild points through the original things that earned them, with limitations. It could be something as simple as a hard limit per day (100 GP per day earned in this way), or perhaps X amount could be earned per hour of In Game activity.

The idea isn't to make training Guild rank super easy, but rather to supplement the earning of GP, since task grinding CAN get tedious even when given access to several different task types.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:52 am
by Lun
It would be nice to have a board where we can select from three randomized tasks. The tasks could then be changed every chime, so people who happen to not like any of the three tasks don't have to wait forever for a new one. Having more options is always a good thing.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:02 pm
by Rias
Something like this will likely be implemented once there are more task types. Keep in mind I also want to put in certain measures so that someone can't progress simply by doing the one easy task type, such as monks or Udemi becoming masters solely by doing "forage for emberberries" tasks and nothing else. These guilds expect their members to do their fair share of work for the guild, not just skate along on the simple stuff that really, anyone could do for them.

Please note I'm not implying you're intending to do this, Lun. It's just a general concern of mine that I thought I would voice while we're on the subject.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:07 pm
by Lun
Ahhh, I see. No, I play a Rook currently. My issue is that my guildmaster keeps giving me the same single hunting task appears that I can't perform. I can see where the abuse comes in, though.

Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:19 pm
by Evelyn
I find my tasks pretty easy to do on Evelyn, Liana is a bit harder but I do enjoy the challenge! I think if tasks were made any easier it would get boring fast... :)

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:14 pm
by KianTheArcher
Reanimating this thread, with a new task oriented idea!

The general idea is to promote group work, and reward people that go out of their way to complete a task.

As it stands when I play Makani, there is no penalty for refusing tasks. Nor do I think there should be. But on the contrary, there is also no reward for NOT turning down a task. The time a person waits is very low (which is a good thing).

That being said, a lot of the "non combat" tasks (for all guilds, not just Elemancers) have low GP pay outs, which I understand. But these tasks can often take a person into highly dangerous territories, yet offer no more GP than if I had turned it down and waited on a task that was easier. As it stands, if I get sent to the Ruins of Thaelsh or Red Lake, I could not do the task without asking for help. And for 25 GP, it's not worth the potential effort and deaths of going into those high level areas, even WITH help.

So what I propose is that every time a person completes a task, they will see a minor increase in GP for the next task they complete. There would need to be a cap to it, though I'm not sure what the maximum would be. But on the other hand, every refused task should lower the amount of GP earned closer to the base amount (without ever going beneath it).

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:31 pm
by Lae
I would be a rank 100 monk in no time flat. I only turn down tasks out of boredom.

So how do we compromise between the people who are able to do tasks with little to no problem to the people who have trouble doing tasks?

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:43 pm
by KianTheArcher
That's something I haven't necessarily thought of a fix for!

The only thing I can think of is (aside from the cap to the maximum) have it be a buff that runs out. So if you keep just running at a task with sheer bloody mindedness, you would run out of time before you could get that extra bit. Or maybe have it only work for a set amount of tasks before resetting.