Artificer Guild

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Artificer Guild

Post by KianTheArcher »

[h]Artificer's Guild[/h]

While the Mercantile Guild focuses primarily on economics, commerce, and land ownership, the Artificer's Guild focuses on creation and knowledge for the sake of creation, knowledge and progress. They are the expert artisans who will travel to any lengths to learn a recipe for the perfectly balanced knife, or how to cut a diamond in a certain way. They do not inherently have access to the best materials and often must go to the Mercantile Guild to do so, but without them they can still craft some of the finest weapons, armour, and jewelry in the land. Given access to the rarer materials however, they can create true wonders utilising their special skills.

The Artificers are not mere smiths, however. They are the Alchemists, Engineers, and Architects. They are the keepers of Lore, and the creators of new Lore.

However, the most notable ability of the Artificers is not their crafting skills. It is their ability to channel magic by way of Runes and Sigils; to an Artificer, knowledge IS power.


+Artificers gain Guild Points through crafting, as well as harvesting materials through crafting.*

+Artificers lose Guildpoints through using the Destruction Rune to destroy crafted goods.*

*At Guild Rank 5, Artificers gain Guildpoints from successful crafting, but lose them from failing craft skills.

+They receive a bonus to learning all craft skills, and skills regarding the harvesting of materials.

+They receive a small bonus to learning to use staves and hafted weapons.

+They receive access to several skills noone else gets

Runelore (Possibly could see other classes getting this at a degraded rate; basically Identifying Runes, basic Rune knowledge)
A Skill for Every Rune (Essentially 8 new skills, each one determining how well versed you are in each Rune, see later in the post for more information)

Guild Abilities
Expanded Knowledge - Allows you to weave an extra Rune into your spells (Up to 4)
25 Channeling
50 Runelore
Scholarly Truth - Allows you to weave an extra Rune into your spells (Up to 5)
Expanded Knowledge
50 Channeling
100 Runelore



Runes to an Artificer are what the elements are to an Elemancer.

The Runes are sigils and symbols that represent basic principles the Artificer Guild believe to be ingrained in reality itself. Through studying these Runes, they learn to harness them to slightly bend reality in ways that make it so what HAS been done is what was meant to be done by reality. They do not see what they do as magic, however.

They trace the Sigil in the air before them with either a free hand, a hafted weapon, or a stave. Artificers can channel up to three Runes at one time, much as any other caster can keep three channels open. (This number can increase with certain guild skills)

The current Runes I have planned out are

Creation - A basic Rune that enhances crafting; cancels out the destruction Rune
Destruction - A basic Rune that hampers crafting, but enhances SMASHing materials; cancels out the Creation Rune
Matter -An advanced Rune that must be used with another Rune; See examples below
Light -An intermediate Rune; when used at a basic level, it fills a room with light
Shadow -An intermediate Rune; when used at a basic level, it fills a room with shadows
Energy -An advanced Rune; Must be used in conjuction with another Rune
Comprehension -An advanced Rune; Must be used in conjuction with another Rune
Life(possibly) -An intermediate Rune; the most basic use is as a simple shielding effect to protect the Life of the Artificer

Each Rune can interact with another much like the elements can interact with one another. For instance, simply channeling Creation just gives you a bonus to crafting. But channeling Creation and Matter allows you to create small amounts of material that range in quality based on your Rune skills.

When channeling, this is what it would (roughly) look like

Arman Hammersmith traces a glowing sigil in the air, that looks vaguely like an arrow pointing up.
Arman Hammersmith traces a glowing Creation sigil in the air. (To those with Runelore)

When you look at people that are channeling Runes

Arman Hammersmith has a glowing sigil shaped like an arrow pointing up floating nearby
Arman Hammersmith has a glowing Creation sigil floating nearby (Runelore)
Arman Hammersmith has several seemingly undecipherable glowing sigils floating nearby
Arman Hammersmith has a Creation Sigil and a Matter sigil floating nearby (Runelore)

Creation + Destruction = Cancels out each other, no effect
Destruction = Enhances damage done with crushing weapons, but lowers craft skill temporarily
Destruction + Matter = Allows you to destroy crafted goods
Destruction + Light = Allows you to deal extra damage to Celestial beings (if they get coded in); if used while crafting, you can create an item that deals extra damage to "Light" beings
Comprehension + Matter = Allows you to look further into an item when examining it, giving you in depth information on it

So far, this is what I have for Artificers. I don't want to get TOO heavily invested in this, as I wasn't sure if it fit CLOK's theme, or if it might be TOO complicated.
Morgoth, I cried
All hope is gone but I swear revenge
Hear my oath
I will take part in your damned fate
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