An Argument For Experience As A Resource

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An Argument For Experience As A Resource

Post by Lysse »

I think whether levels remain or are removed, that experience should remain within the game - instead going towards a pool (bucket or not - I'm not particularly bothered by the bucket and would rather it remain, and if it doesn't limit progression anymore I can't see a reason to remove it) that you spend on things in the game.

I'm thinking things like being able to improve the quality of items could use experience, the crafting of "enchanted" or imbued items (especially if we get Arcana and Glyphstones, I'd love to see be able to craft things like Muffle glyphstones using experience), or particularly potent magical rituals (not JUST Shadow Familiar for the Rooks - maybe any "animal companion" spells that might come out require an experience expenditure for example, or if the Elemancers end up with any similar style rituals).
See You Lost Lands Cowboy...
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