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Post by ydia »

So I really would like to request if possible that herbalism stays the same such as poultices over unguents. I know the infirmary says unguents, but I much preferred the Clok way better. As someone who appreciates plants Clok's poultice just felt right. Gathering Arnica, Confrey etc.
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Re: herbalism

Post by Lysse »

I don't really see why it has to be one way or the other. An unguent is just a salve or an ointment, and I think it'd be cool to see both poultices and unguents, either to treat different things, or to treat different levels of wounds.

I also don't really see why there couldn't just be unguents that have arnica and comfrey in them.
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Re: herbalism

Post by verel »

I don't know. For me, applying a poultice was something I could imagine in my mind doing if I ever got hurt if I was out surviving. You could make it so that herbs are temporary storage items that last like two days max or so to avoid someone potentially hording herbs, no references intended. A weird goop-like thing to me feels weird to me just applying and somehow it works whereas a poultice sounds like a more logical course of action, but we'll see. Plus, personally I feel like I can rp a bit better with them if I do medical type rp. Rather than just slapping some unguent on a wound and calling it a day, a poultice feels like you actually have to know what you're doing to apply it properly.
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Re: herbalism

Post by Ninetales16 »

I was giving this some thought and I want to say that I support the decision of both unguents and poultices. gathering herbs, preparing poultices, treating diferent kinds of injuries is very very rewarding on it's own.
I have a question, however. my character is not at all keen on the idea of being a physiker, yet I have raised the medical skill to an absurd amount. will that count towards something when the medical system be implemented back again? I feel bad thinking to roleplay medical terms and knowledge as familiar as someone who deals in medicine full time, and I dont know if I would just dismiss the skill whatsoever, or play along with it.
just some food for thought, I would be happy if my medical skill would not count towards anything at all, to be 100% honest, but I would be grateful for it being important somewhat, as well. I am very aware that many of the old legacy characters might face this issue, however.
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