Targetting multiple people with the @ symbol in Speech

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Targetting multiple people with the @ symbol in Speech

Post by Sneaky »

Currently you can do
sayto rias How are you?
say How are you? @rias
You can also do
'How are you? @rias
I prefer the last one personally. I would really appreciate the ability to add in multiple targets though, to speak to a group of people in the room. For example,
'I really like the work you have been doing. @shewel @sideri @rias @noctere #cheerfully $complement
The result might look like
Speaking to Rias, Sideri, Shewel, and Noctere, you cheerfully complement, "I really like the work you have been doing!"
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Re: Targetting multiple people with the @ symbol in Speech

Post by Gorth »

It's pretty much the same amount of typing to just emote it.
Posts: 693
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Re: Targetting multiple people with the @ symbol in Speech

Post by Dorn »

Like the idea.
Uyoku takes a bite of her smelly skunk poop.
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