crystal pendent and the difficulty for newbies

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crystal pendent and the difficulty for newbies

Post by artus »

After a while of experiencing the new pendent change, and after hearing opinions from a few players, These changes may be good to include in addition to pendent change.
- The 300 riln cost of the pendent means 1000 riln makes 3 pendents. A newbie only have 200 riln to start. They already have hard enough time getting their first pendent. Those who don't know anything usually don't know how to properly spend that money, especially when they come from other muds that channels are permanent. 1000 riln burns quick. Some newbs don't know where, let alone who, to even go to to start rping. Those who don't come from rp muds even have harder time with that. And rp wise, not everyone's going to pick foraging as the very first thing to do. The pendent now only lasts a day and even less when we use it to talk. Having 300 riln killed super fast for newbies like that will likely put players off the game. It may be better if more time is added to the pendent instead of a day worth of duration.
- There is no way to tune to other crystal while the pendent runs out, and the warning doesn't exist. I myself ran out of one out in the wilds and didn't even realize. I couldn't tune to anything. I couldn't communicate to the person I tried to help. And sometimes, it's a hard task to seek the person out when I have 0 idea they're not there. I have 600 riln on me to buy 2 pendents. Does the other person have it? No they don't. They barely have 300 riln for themselves to begin with. Anyone who have 10k in their bank may not have trouble. But what about those who don't? At least, a few warnings in addition to increased duration that the pendent is going to run out helps big time with this. At least they know when they have to draw their bank savings to waste on a new one.

It's not really a comfortable change for anyone, and it may does so even worse for gms who have to hear points and complains all the time. But really, things need to be said sometimes. It affects the effort of the playerbase. And when there's not a single good reason for it players can't come up with, at least we would like to request something to soften the hazard of the change.
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Re: crystal pendent and the difficulty for newbies

Post by auron »

I’m not really a big fan of this change either. I was in the woods and I think I got lost, but I couldn’t ask for help because at that time my pendent just died. Could we have them last longer like two weeks or more?
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