Damage boost for Large Weapon Discharges

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Joined: Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:49 pm

Damage boost for Large Weapon Discharges

Post by Vazbol »

this is more focused on orichalcum and that other secret metal. Weirdly, alchemic burns don't have this issue.

Based on the title, I'm forwarding the idea to increase the amount of elemental discharges that spew forth from larger weapons. At this very moment, such features of metals are only really useful to light weaponry, due to how the damage currently work. Discharges for the two elemental types blast out for the same amount of damage, no matter the size of the weapon. So an orichalcum stiletto and an orichalcum sledgehammer will zap people for the same amount of damage.

The issue with this is that this puts all discharge weaponry into the realm of short swords and dagger weaponry. As every zap is the same, having a high number of blows is far more important, giving a set of weapon categories with the most advantages in the game even more of an up side.

oddly, this isn't quite reflected with alchemic damage. Larger weapons tend to unload more alchmical burning than other types, and light weapons reflect a lower cap to the damage. As well, charging with weaponry such as a lance produces an extraordinary amount of alchemical burn that tends to outdamage iron knives and short swords.

So, to not strictly place the ball in light weaponry's court again, can we have the damage of discharges be influenced by the size of the weapon, and boosted if one performs a power attack with them? the downside of these discharges if they do more damage is that they won't trigger as often compared to 5 strikes from short blades. But it at least doesn't make the material's bonus nerfed compared to tiny weaponry.

And let's face it. We all know some people were hoping for a flash of lightning when they swing an orichalcum sledgehammer at someone.
[CHAT - GameMaster Uyoku Had Pizza For Dinner]: Spidercat, spidercat, does whatever a spidercat does. Skittering, up the walls, meowing cute while showing off its claws, it is the creepy spidercat.
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