Introduction system

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Introduction system

Post by Tenoji »

For the sake of RP, it helps tremendously to know what someone looks like at a glance. E.G. via having a short description, rather than a name, when you look at the room. Having an introduction, or dub, system that appends said name after description but leaves it intact would serve greatly to this end. I personally have a SUPER difficult time assigning a mental image to a name, but I can more easily expound upon an existing image.

On a semi-related note. It'd be nice if everyone had the option to add one nickname keyword to be targeted by. This way If my name is Robert, lets say, I can 'addnickname bob', and tell people to call me bob. Or if during the course of my PCs life I become Riki-Tiki-Tang the Stick bearer, I can addnickname Riki.

Just a thought.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Sneaky »

This would be a neat idea. As it stands though, what I do is friend add people who give me their names. If they give me a name other than the displayed name, I make a note of it as well as their general appearance with the note command. It's not often that someone does that, and if I can't come to a conclusion myself.I ask the individual if it is reasonable to know who this person is, or by which alias.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Maina »

Right now, I friend people who have introduced themselves, and add further information (Full name, IC titles, ESP color, important notes) via 'note add'

Most RP games I've played have had some form of introduction system, though. A short description for people you don't know, then they can either 'introduce' themselves with a particular name, or you can 'remember' them with whatever name you give them. This replaces the existing short desc to cut down on spam.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Tenoji »

I actually had no idea the friend command existed (and I constantly forget note exists because I never use it.) That'll actually help with some of my issues keeping track of stuff. Thanks :D
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Maina »

Friend is super useful. It actually changes how some socials read when you're both friends of a certain level.

There's also 'enemy' which lets people get treated like hostile NPCs with targeting and such.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Noctere »

A nickname/anonymity system was attempted in the past but it did not work out so well with the game mechanics. However, we do currently have the NOTE command in place where you can make your own list of names and assign their description or anything else you like.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Nobody »

There is also the profile command, though most don't set it up / make it public. You can make your basic physical appearance public info that way.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by TheCacklackian »

I would still love some variation of a disguise mechanic, perhaps via face hiding/skill/a guild ability.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by Jirato »

It is something I want, but the amount of work to implement it is not feasible at this time.

Perhaps in the distant future when a few of the more priority code rewrites (item, character, room, and critter handling) are done.
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Re: Introduction system

Post by TheCacklackian »

That's a fair response!
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