Text Editor

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Text Editor

Post by ironcross32 »

I think a text editor is needed. A lot of writing can be done in game, and there is no way, apart from the ^, to really write comprehensively. I don't think it has to be crazy powerful or anything, but a few features including the following would suffice quite nicely: ability to input one line at a time; ability to review already input lines; ability to delete a line; save or done, then whatever you were working on could be stored wherever it is done.

A majority of MUDs have something like this, some are quite rudimentary, others are very powerful. As for an example of how this could be implemented, if you have a letter in hand, you would just type write by itself, that puts you in the editor, then you just input a line at a time, and a certain symbol or command when done, and once done, the letter is written to the parchment. I've seen them use like ^save ^list ^delete, etc.

I think this would be a fine edition to the game, and would make the process of writing things much less cumbersome, and newbie friendly.
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Re: Text Editor

Post by Tangela »

This isn't a bad idea at all, but you can easily just write things up in your text editor of choice and then reformat for clok once you're done. that's what I do
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Re: Text Editor

Post by ironcross32 »

I could technically replace all carriage returns with ^, I shouldn't have to do that though, this is a pretty standard thing here.
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Re: Text Editor

Post by jilliana »

I'm rather used to the system in place, but I wouldn't object if something a bit more sophisticated were to replace the current system. All those wasted trees!
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Re: Text Editor

Post by Jirato »

I tossed around a few ideas of how to make this work, and it is possible, I think.

Keep in mind CLOK was built from the ground up, it's not using another MUDs engine. The line parsing system is a bit of a delicate thing and did not have non-command input in mind when it was first built. The numbers that you enter for your character feature and race selection during character creation is a bit of a hack job. If I were to add text editing to line input, I'd want tonapend a good chunk of time cleaning it up first and probably redoing the character creation system.

Not saying no, but this is a pretty "rainy day" project.
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Re: Text Editor

Post by ironcross32 »

fair enough, all our ideas may not be feasible for various reasons, but I appreciate you laying it out for us.
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