Mail notification emails

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Mail notification emails

Post by Tangela »


I was wondering if it would be possible to get more information in the emails we get notifying us of in-game mail. For example, you your clok character <charactername> has just received a <letter/package/note/whatever> from <character> which can be checked at an in-game post office.
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Re: Mail notification emails

Post by jilliana »

I like this idea. Giving it my +1. :) I'd be happy if it just told us that we got a package or letter. Note/slip/memo is cool, but a note is a note, or whatnot.
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Re: Mail notification emails

Post by Tangela »

Really appreciate you guys implementing this idea. Do we think it might also be possible/reasonable to consolidate package contents in the event there are more than one of the same item in a package? Ex. Mail details:
Sender: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Item: a package
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
a cloth poultice
Would be written as just a cloth poultice (x7)
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Re: Mail notification emails

Post by Tangela »

Finally, I would personally love to see the contents of written communication included in the emails notifying of them. I think it would help assign a priority to things and also provide more engagement to players who haven't logged in for a bit. I can understand how this might be abused IC or be counter to the spirit of the game, however.
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Re: Mail notification emails

Post by Mirazia »

Written mail is IC communication. I believe that IC communications should remain IC. It's the same reason we have said no to an ESP channel being allowed on the Discord server.

You log in, you check mail, you could find yourself pulled into an event. People see others logged in and hang around.

Though the final decision rests with Jirato of course.
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Re: Mail notification emails

Post by Tangela »

personally, I'm more likely to log in with some tantalizing information about in game happenings.
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