Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

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Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

Post by Jabril »

Would it be possible to slightly change the way that "kill this many monsters" tasks work so that you get credit for the kill if the monster dies in the same room as you and not just if you get the killing blow? The reason I ask for this is that if I am in a group, only the person with the task can kill the monster and if I use a spell or technique that kills the monster via energy loss, I still don't get credit.
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Re: Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

Post by Kiyaani »

You should still get credit as long as you hit it at least once. You don't need the killing blow (at least in my experience). Hopefully that will help a little. But I know what you mean. I've actually had some issues with mobs fleeing and dying so I don't get credit. It's all a bit wonky.
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Re: Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

Post by jilliana »

Ditto Kiyaani. It's weird how that works, but yes, you should get credit so long as you attacked.
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Re: Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

Post by Lun »

Repeating what's been said, but as long as you're in a group with someone and you attack the monster at least once, you get credit. kind of a "participatory" award.
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Re: Kills Tasks and Getting Credit

Post by Jirato »

It's based on being in the critter's hated characters list. So if there's some sort of spell or ability you're using that is causing it energy loss without adding you to its hate list, I can look at that. Sounds more like a bug. I just need to know what exactly you're doing to the critter and what kind of critter it is, since there's a couple additional checks for cull nethrim tasks.
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