Selling Food to Market

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Selling Food to Market

Post by Zahrah »

I think it would be neat if we had the option to sell cooked food to the market as a commodity item. Some of that cooking can get quite expensive and while those of us who do it I'm sure mainly do it for the RP aspect (and food for ourselves), it would be nice if there was an option to make a bit of riln off of it without having to go to the esp and try and hawk your pie wares (though that might make for some fun RP opportunities, of course).
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by jilliana »

I have certainly had some fun RP when Jilliana did more cooking. I prefer to sell over ESp since I know that if we sold that stuff to the market, we wouldn't make nearly as much. It'd be good as an option, albeit the PC option will always be the more profitable.
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by Dorn »

Even if one or the other is more profitable, it is still nice to have the option especially as right now for initially starting out only three of the various professions offer much riln for new people without some investment/knowledge of the game. Foraging, Logging, Mining and even then the later two really do need a horse/wagon before they start being more than a hassle. Being able to add cooking to them.

Had a new player recently try fishing and cooking with their initial riln to try and make some more money... which quickly caused them to fall flat on their face.
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by Tamsin »

Selling food in the market would be nice, +1 and all

It would be verrrry nice to have another way to start making riln to start things up rather than... go forage for 8 hours or more to buy a horse.
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by Dorn »

We've all these options, but until you get your feet up none of them are really viable for that initial push unless you ask for a loan/training, or you completely ignore getting gear/stuff/training to start. Not the case for ALL guilds, sure but for some...? Yeah.
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by jilliana »

Dorn wrote:We've all these options, but until you get your feet up none of them are really viable for that initial push unless you ask for a loan/training, or you completely ignore getting gear/stuff/training to start. Not the case for ALL guilds, sure but for some...? Yeah.
Exactly. Cooking isn't the best way to start. It does require some work that isn't always newbie friendly. Foraging for berries gives berry pies. Pies suck as cooking newbie practice because they require riln and work. Hunting and fishing for meat/fish is the best way to practice, and even then it takes time.

I love the option to sell to the market still, just will take newbies a bit longer to get to where it'll probably be worth anything to sell there.
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by Lathai »

Dorn wrote:Had a new player recently try fishing and cooking with their initial riln to try and make some more money... which quickly caused them to fall flat on their face.

^ Guilty as charged. I was/am so intrigued by the different professions and skills. I love merchant classes in games, and grinding professions to be able to create/craft things. It's a lot of fun for me. Dorn and a couple others that had previously played Clok had told me about foraging to get started, but I was like "Hey, what about fishing? Cooking?" So I tried them for a while. Fishing in this game is actually a really interesting concept and I was enjoying it! Then I realized it was making me next to no riln. So I decided to level cooking with it instead! Again, extremely interesting concept - I loved that I had to go get a knife to fillet the fish, then get a skillet and go to the kitchen and cook it all, etc. But then I just had a backpack literally FULL of cooked fish that I couldn't do anything with but eat. And come to find out... upon eating it... it basically filled a FRACTION of the hunger that a ration did.

I would've loved to have been able to interact with people IC and sell my "wares" but it would've been a huge waste for them and me. So being able to sell that lowbie cooked food would've been very helpful so I could keep training and get better.

I've only been playing for about 2 days now, so I hope I'm not over-stepping my bounds here but I'm excited to see what else this MUD has to offer!
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Re: Selling Food to Market

Post by jilliana »

Welcome to CLOK, Lathai!!! :)

Hope you stay and get comfortable.

If you have things to sell, it's always great to hear what's out there on the network. Some of us who pay attention don't mind buying food from a newb just to keep you around a bit longer. :) And anything for no more rations for a bit.
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